Age of the Gentiles is Ending

Chapter 9

Israel is Born! - CY 5924

Creation Year: 5924 Western Year: 1948

Newspaper Cover - Israel is Born

Israel is born by decree of the United Nations112, fulfilling the most important end-time prophecy to start the end of days!!! Isaiah 66:8-9 , Ezekiel 37:4-6 .

Not since the Resurrection Day of Jesus, the Christ, has any other day had more importance than May 14, 1948. On this day, the End Time prophecies began. Having never lived on the side of time prior to that fateful day, it is hard to believe, but people were called heretics for believing that Israel would rise up, just as Ezekiel and Isaiah prophesied so many millenniums ago. Because of this one event, we can discern other prophecies.

Fulfilled Prophecies Concerning Israel

bring your sons from afar

Tarshish in the Scriptures is modern-day ref You may not see it, but this verse also has been fulfilled. Many years before the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, an explorer, wanting to preach the Gospel to the heathens, set about to find a way to the Orient. This man was Christopher Columbus. Because of what he did, without knowing what he had done, what he had found, or where he had been, started the fulfillment of this prophecy. After failing to secure funds from Italy or Portugal, he looked to the Spanish. Wanting to expand and gain wealth, the Spanish Monarchs supported Columbus' exploration. In 1492, after the Edict of Expulsion of the Jews, he set sail due west. Isaiah 60:9

Columbus was driven more by prophecy than astronomy. He compiled a collection of Biblical passages in his Libro de las Profecias, Book of Prophecies: Proverbs 8:27, which speaks of the earth's surface as being curved; Isaiah 40:22, the spherical earth; and the ocean currents in Isaiah 43:16. He would later describe his discovery of the New World as "the fulfillment of what Isaiah prophesied," from Isaiah 24:15, "...isles beyond the sea," and Isaiah 60:6.

Aside from their being Conversos, these were not ordinary Spaniards. Santangel was a member of one of the wealthiest and most influential families in Spain, as well as the King's personal advisor. Juan Cabrero was Ferdinand's intimate friend who had fought by the King against the Muslims. Gabriel Sanchez was the Chief Treasurer of Spain. They offered to finance Columbus' project and it was accepted. Some scholars believe that Santangel and his associates were willing to finance Columbus in the hope of finding a new Promised Land to which they might emigrate and escape the pressure of the Church.113

Because Columbus discovered America, the Lord's timetable was set in motion for the birth of the United States, who, one day, would be instrumental in the birth of Israel and the return of the "sons from afar" - the diasporaHelpDefinition the settling of scattered colonies of Jews outside Palestine by the Romans! (This will be expanded on later.) This timetable is clearly understood by the first part of the verse ...the isles shall wait for me.... After setting sail, Columbus restocked in the Canary Islands, then continued due west. Next, he landed in what is today The Bahamas. He continued on and found Cuba and then on to Hispaniola (Haiti and Dominican Republic) and finally back to Spain in March 1493. Even on his second and third voyage he discovered more islands until Venezuela. His fourth voyage finally found Central America.114 And it started in Tarshish first!

strangers shall build up the walls

And the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls, and their kings shall minister unto thee: for in my wrath I smote thee, but in my favour have I had mercy on thee. Isaiah 60:10

Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I rebuilt the walls around Jerusalem from 1535-1538115 fulfilling this prophecy.

Eastern Gate will be sealed

As prophesied, the Lord, the God of Israel, Jesus, has entered in by the eastern gate! Typical of unbelievers, in 1541 AD Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I116 sealed off the Golden Gate in to prevent the Messiah's entrance! Being ignorant of the truth, he clearly did not read these verses, Ezekiel 44:1-3 , Luke 19:35-38 , Matthew 21:8-10 , Zechariah 9:9 .

He also built a cemetery there, in the Kidron valley to ensure the Jewish Messiah would not enter the gate. This too is a fulfilled prophecy. Jeremiah 31:40 .

Jerusalem will be saved by the air

Text Box: General AllenbyEveryone is familiar with the Wright Brothers' obsession with flight. They made their first successful flight on 17 December 1903, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. However, not many understand their required failures to fulfill the Lord's will. For example, when they tried to get the Congress of the United States to purchase their flyer, Congress rejected the idea in January 1905. Undaunted, the Wright Brothers turned to Europe and by 1908 had wowed the French. Ironically, due to the threat of the German Zeppelins, both England and France were eager to put flyers into the air. When the time came to fight the Ottoman Empire (because they sided with the Germans in World Word I) Britain had airplanes that were unopposed in Egypt and successfully defended the Suez Canal in 1914.117 When tasked to take Palestine, as the story118 goes, that while reading his bible, he read Isaiah 31:4-5 . Being a British subject, he knew that the symbol of the Empire is a lion120 from King Richard the Lion Heart. General Allenby, due to bad weather, flew a lone plane117 to scout out Jerusalem. Tossing a note to the awestruck Turks (having never seen a plane), told them to surrender. When they saw the signature Allenby, they read it as Allah Nebi, meaning Prophet of God! In 1917, not 14 years after the world's first flight, General Allenby took the city of Jerusalem without firing a shot and walked into Jerusalem on 11 December 1917, the first day of Hanukkah, and on the same day, the Maccabee brothers entered Jerusalem in 165 BC. Clearly, Allenby's actions of passing over Jerusalem, preserved it!! The Lord used Allenby to fulfill Isaiah 31:4-5 !!! Glory to God!!

Hebrew will be spoken

Eliezer ben Yehuda was born in Lithuania on January 7, 1858. In 1877, while attending a Russian gymnast school, Russia proclaimed it stood with the Ottoman Empire in the hopes of freeing the Slavs, the Bulgarians, and gain their independence from the Turks. This intrigued Elierzer with the idea that the Jews could have their own land and their own language - Hebrew. Most Jews learned Hebrew as a written language, but hardly any spoke Hebrew. In addition, the language was limited to what was written in the Scriptures. Therefore, Hebrew lacked any of the modern words like fashion, newspaper, and soldier. He was so convinced that the written language could be used by a society that when he had children, they only spoke Hebrew.121After years of work, he publish a dictionary and in the introduction wrote:

 If a language which has stopped being spoken, with nothing remaining of it save what remains of our language - (if there is such a language) can return and be the spoken tongue of an individual for all necessities of his life, there is no room for doubt that it can become the spoken language of a community.121

The article continues about the Ben-Yehuda family: They passed on Hebrew to their children in the home, and in the kindergartens and schools they set up throughout the country. Thus, within a biblical generation, in the forty years from 1881 to 1921, a core of young, fervent Hebrew-language speakers was formed, with Hebrew as the unique symbol of their linguistic nationalism. This fact was acknowledged by the British mandate authorities, who on November 29, 1922, recognized Hebrew as the official language of the Jews in Palestine. The Hebrew revival was now complete, and Ben-Yehuda's lifelong dream had been fulfilled. Sadly, and perhaps significantly, only one month later, he succumbed to the tuberculosis which had stalked him ever since his Paris days.121

Thanks to Ben-Yehuda, knowingly or not, he fulfilled the prophecies of the book of Revelation of Jesus Christ. John wrote in Revelation 9:11; 16:16, whose name in the Hebrew tongue and a place called in the Hebrew tongue concerning the last days. By implication, these words were prophetic, considering Hebrew was not a used language outside religious events. Zephaniah 3:9 . 


Some rabbis122 agree that these verses (Deuteronomy 28:62; 28:66-67 ), speak of the holocaust they endured, even some survivors described their conditions, exactly as Deuteronomy 28:67 states, in poems and stories.123 The Nuremburg trials124 convicted twelve Nazis to death, but only ten made it to the gallows. Some have made comparisons to the story of Esther where Haman used the ego of the king to trick him into making a law condemning all the Jews to death. In preparation for the day Haman could kill Mordecai, Haman made gallows 75 feet tall. The king found out the truth, and Haman was hung on his own gallows as well as his ten sons, Esther 9:13, 25 .

Text Box: Truman's Declaration of the State of Israel Text Box: Single Nation of Israel

Israel is born in a day and The land would again be called Israel

By declaration of the United Nations on 14 May 1948, Israel became a nation, at 6:00 pm Eastern Time, and at 6:11 pm, Harry S Truman recognized the State of Israel.125 Debate on the name raged on, Palestine?, Zion?, Judea?, until Pres. Truman scratched out the pseudo name and hand wrote State of Israel! Ezekiel 37:21 , Isaiah 66:8-9

Evidence of God's Promise

It is my firmest belief that Great Britain was blessed of God because of her integrity and faith in Jesus Christ; so much a blessing that English became the de facto language of the planet, largely due to the spread of the Gospel and the King James Bible. Thanks to Great Britain, the gospel was preached around the world and therefore the sun never set on the British Empire. Satan would not idly stand by and watch it happen without reprisals. Slowly, over 400 years he has managed to erode the fervor of obeying and following Jesus, to the point they refused to help make Israel a nation. The Israelis had to hold the Balfour Declaration over the heads. Finally, in 1947, Britain turned over the mandate to the United Nations.126 Britain would allow the Arabs to own and carry weapons, but the forbid Jews. After World War II, the British cut off the flow of immigration to Israel, and believe it or not, they put them into camps on Cypress!127 The British also ignored the daily attacks by the Arabs to a defenseless people. When Israel declared Israel a sovereign state, five Arab armies attacked (Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon and Iraq).128 With God's help and two French World-War-I cannons129, Israel defeated the Arabs and survived! The map130 to the left is of what the United Nations wanted to do the land pure anti-Semitism. None of the Jewish parts of the land was given to the Jews. Genesis 12:3 .

With their abandonment of Israel and treating the Jews with such evil by putting them in camps after the holocaust, it's no wonder God's blessings have been removed. Today, the island of Great Britain has all but fractured into their old states. In 1998, Scotland reinstated their parliament after 291 years to control their own fate.131 It is heart breaking that today, the United States, under President Obama, is trying to carve up Israel to allow a people who have no claim on the land to become a nation at the cost of the only truly democratic nation in the Middle East.132

America, after 9/11, is not just fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan any more, but in U.S. courts. In the November elections of 2010, 70% of Oklahoma voters accepted an Oklahoma constitutional amendment that would prohibit state courts from considering international or Islamic law when deciding cases. A judge blocked the amendment as unconstitutional until a hearing is completed.133 Activist judges and unethical banks will destroy America. Zechariah 12:3,9 .

Israel will be one nation - no longer two (Israel and Judah)

Remember they used to be Judah - 2 tribes and Israel - 10 tribes, and today it is just Israel. Ezekiel 37:22 .

Latter days they will have no king

This was written after they had returned from Babylon - so return from where? After WWII they returned to Israel as promised. Today they have a president and a prime minister. They have no temple, so no sacrifice, nor an image of the temple, nor the tools used by the high priest. Soon they will thanks to the Temple Institute, Hosea 3:4-5 .

Jerusalem shall no longer be divided

In 1967 Israel was attacked again by the Arabs and after six days Israel took the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank including the rest of Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. The east country and the west country became one just as prophesied, Zechariah 8:6-8 .

Streets filled with children playing

Zechariah 8:5 And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets thereof.

Text Box: 134 134

The gates will remain open

Since Israel took possession of Jerusalem, the gates will never shut,135 day nor night (save the Eastern Gate which was sealed by the Turks). Isaiah 60:11-12 .

Desert blossom as the rose

Isaiah 35:1 The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.

Text Box: Location of Arava from Isaiah 35:1136Because there is a hidden understanding written within the Hebrew, below is the same verse with Strong's words.

Isaiah 35:1 The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert [עInfoע Ayin is the 16th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It holds the numeric value of seventy.
Letter Meaning: eye, see, perceive, experience
רInfoר Resh is the 20th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It holds the numeric value of two hundred.
Letter Meaning: man, head, begining
בInfoב Beit is the 2nd letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It holds the numeric value of two.
Letter Meaning: "in", house, tent
הInfoה Hey is the 5th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It holds the numeric value of five.
Letter Meaning: window, revelation, grace, look!
'aravah'] shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.

Strong's Definition:

Desert עInfoע Ayin is the 16th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It holds the numeric value of seventy.
Letter Meaning: eye, see, perceive, experience
רInfoר Resh is the 20th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It holds the numeric value of two hundred.
Letter Meaning: man, head, begining
בInfoב Beit is the 2nd letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It holds the numeric value of two.
Letter Meaning: "in", house, tent
הInfoה Hey is the 5th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It holds the numeric value of five.
Letter Meaning: window, revelation, grace, look!
'aravah' pronounce 'ar-aw-vaw' from #6150 (in the sense of sterility); a desert; especially (with the article prefix) the (generally) sterile valley of the Jordan and its continuation to the Red Sea:--Aravah, champaign, desert, evening, heaven, plain, wilderness

Notice on the bottom right of the map is the Arava desert. Along the border with Jordan, there runs highway 90 from northern Israel all the way to the Red Sea; Isaiah 35:8 And an highway shall be there... On this highway (#90) are the cities of Ein Gedi, next to the Dead Sea, and Eilat down by the Red Sea. Using Google Maps, you'll find highway are many farms all along this road. Several are even fish farms.

Abundace of Water

Agricultural and Fish Farms

Now read the rest of Isaiah 35. I'll point out a few things:

Isaiah 35:7 And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water: in the habitation of dragons, where each lay, shall be grass with reeds and rushes.

Here you have Ein Gedi, Israel, near the Dead Sea.  These are photos137 of some of the farms from Arava region. It's so very exciting to see the Lord bless Israel. There are great photos and information on biblical locations online at

Natural pool in Ein Gedi

Isaiah 27:6 He shall cause them that come of Jacob to take root: Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit.

Today, Israel is a major exporter of fruits and vegetables. 138 Due to political and climatological reasons, the export fluctuates. Though I mention this as a fulfillment of prophecy, I truly believe this is at the least, a start. Just twenty years ago, most of farms in Arava did not exist. The issue is water. Think about it, Arava is translated in the King James as desert because that is what it is. Over time, soon, the area will transform when water becomes more abundant.

Several years ago, the USGS139 told Israel they thought that there might be oil under this area, so Israel drilled a hole 1500 feet down and they struck water. A man-made lake140 - but I believe it's a fulfillment. Notice the reeds. From this pool, they irrigate many farms that grow everything year round because the water is 72ºF year-round.

Last days two seas

The Dead Sea has become two fulfillment of prophecy:

Ezekiel 47:8-11 Then said he unto me, These waters issue out toward the east country, and go down into the desert, and go into the sea:which beingbrought forth into the sea, the waters shall be healed. And it shall come to pass,thatevery thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live: and there shall be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters shall come thither: for they shall be healed; and every thing shall live whither the river cometh. And it shall come to pass,thatthe fishers shall stand upon it from Engedi even unto Eneglaim; they shall be aplaceto spread forth nets; their fish shall be according to their kinds, as the fish of the great sea, exceeding many. But the miry places thereof and the marishes thereof shall not be healed; they shall be given to salt.

In order for verse eight to be fulfilled, verse eleven needs to be in place. Over the last sixty years, this has been happening. Notice that by 2001 (even until today) the lower part of the Dead Sea has become a salt farm ... they shall be given to salt. Even some maps141don't show the lower part as being part of the Dead Sea.

The top part has not yet been healed, but when the feet of Jesus touch the Mt. of Olives, it will split north and south creating an east-west valley. Perry Stone mentioned that a huge reservoir deep under Mt. Moria, Zechariah 14:4 , Joel 3:18 .

Joel speaks of Shittim142 which is in Moab, today, Jordan. The house of the Lord is on the temple mount and the Mt. of Olives is just east of it.

Jerusalem will become a controversy

Zechariah 12:2-3 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judahandagainst Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

There is no denying the fact that the entire world is focusing on one city - Jerusalem! Of which there is NO logic whatsoever as to why, except that it is a spiritual battle. Though this verse was written over 2500 years ago, it is only NOW being fulfilled. Read the headlines of any newspaper today and you'll usually see something on Jerusalem.

Zechariah 12:9 And it shall come to pass in that day,thatI will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.

I urge you to pay attention to cause and effect, especially concerning the United States and Israel. Here is a perfect example:

  • 8 Aug 2005: U.S. pressures Israel to pull out of Gaza143
  • 15 Aug 2005: Israel begins to pull out of Gaza forcing settlers out144
  • 23 Aug 2005: Hurricane Katrina forms145
  • 24 Aug 2005: Israel pullout completes Gaza withdrawal146
  • 24 Aug 2005: U.S. pressures Israel to resume roadmap plan147
  • 26 Aug 2005: Sharon faces the battle of his political life against Netanyahu148
  • 26 Aug 2005: Oil hits a record high at $68/barrel149
  • 29 Aug 2005: Katrina hits New Orleans150 - 28 levees fail (over 50 in the ensuing days)151
  • 4 Jan 2006: Ariel Sharon has massive stroke leaving him in a permanent vegetative state152

The area devastated by hurricane Katrina totals 90,000 square miles encompassing parts of three states (164 square miles for every square mile of Gaza153). By contrast, the whole of the British Island, comprising England, Wales and Scotland, is only 84,400 square miles.154 1836 people die because of Katrina.155

Here's another example:

  • 30 Mar 2010: Netanyahu snubbed at the White House while Obama goes to dinner156, 157
  • 10 Apr 2010: Israel will not attend the Obama Nuclear Arms Summit in fears the US will force Israel158
  • 19 Apr 2010: Obama and Israel: Showdown at the UN (U.S. will not rubber-stamp a veto on non-Israeli friendly votes)159
  • 20 Apr 2010: Israel warns of a nuclear race in the Middle East is Iran is allowed to have the bomb160
  • 21 Apr 2010: US will not attack Iran on nuclear issue, leaves Israel to make a unilateral decision, which without US support will fail161
  • 21 Apr 2010: US to allow a nuclear Iran162
  • 21 Apr 2010: Oil Rig explodes off coast of Louisiana, 11 killed163
  • 29 Apr 2010: Obama warns Israel and PA to do nothing to stop peace process164
  • 29 Apr 2010: Gulf Oil slick: Businesses Brace for the worse165
  • 29 Apr 2010: Oil Slick makes landfall166

Here is yet another example:

  • 21 Jun 2010: US angry with the continued building in East Jerusalem167
  • 22 Jun 2010: Israel's feeling of isolation is becoming more pronounced168
  • 24 Jun 2010: Obama calls Gaza situation 'unsustainable'169
  • 24 Jun 2010: A 100-yard-wide tornado with winds of at least 100 mph rips through Bridgeport causing massive damage170

There are so many examples of this, a complete book could be written on this cause-and-affect phenomena alone. This isn't restricted to the U.S. Look up the flooding and fires in Australia after their prime minister slammed Israel. The earthquake in southern Spain with the royal family also slammed Israel for the settlements. Then there's the flooding of the U.N., by hurricane Sandy, after the U.N. declared a desire for everyone to boycott Israel over the settlements. New York and New Jersey suffered greatly for being in proximity to the point the Jersey shore was decimated. new ref

Shekel will be used

Ezekiel was being shown the end-days temple and in it, they will use the Shekel,Ezekiel 45:12 .

The rates on 13 Nov 2010 was 1.00 USD = 3.67250 ILS.171 When the last temple existed in 70 AD, the people didn't use shekels, but Roman coins, Luke 20:24-25 .

Tourist will take dust from Israel

Psalms 102:13-14 Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come. For thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and favour the dust thereof.

Perry Stone comments on his weekly television program how the people on his tours are always picking up stones, or scooping up dirt. When asked, they always reply, To take home of course. He has also commented how the airport security has asked him the same question about his group. He should just quote them Psalms 102:14! The tourism of Israel is about 2.7 million visitors, 54% are Christians.172

Specific Future Prophecies Concerning Israel

First things first:

II Peter 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

This means that only the result of prophecy is given, how it gets that way is anybody's guess. For example, we don't know exactlywhen or how the third Temple will be erected, but it will be built and without the outer court, which will be given to the Gentiles. The politics and construction time are not known from scripture. Therefore, when I present the prophecies below, it's because I believe the stage is set for these to happen - if for no other reason, non-Christians are talking about them.

Enemies of Israel will try to destroy her

Your first response is probably more like well duh! but you have to understand, until Israel became a nation, this wasn't possible. Ezekiel 38 and 39 give many specific prophecies about a multi-nation attack on Israel and Israel will win. How do we know it hasn't happened already? Well because within these chapters, it states Israel will take seven years to burn all the weapons (Ezekiel 39:9) without cutting down the trees, and a sixth of the army will be killed and it will take seven months to bury the dead, Ezekiel 39:9-11 .

Damascus will cease to be a city

Seeing how that Syria and Damascus are not mentioned in the group of attackers, it may be because of Isaiah 17:1-3 .

Seeing how Damascus is the oldest city173, and continuously inhabited city174, this specific prophecy has not yet happened. Iran supplies Syria with arms who then turn and give it to Hezbollah in Lebanon. With a recent buildup of missiles, Israel warned Syria on 18 April 2010, that if Hezbollah attacks Israel, Israel would attack Damascus175. With the open secret that Israel has nuclear weapons, imagination is no longer needed to see how this could play out.

Oil in Israel

Notice Asher is the yellow outline just below Tyre in the map above.The map to the right shows current oil and gas fields and the area that the United State Geological Survey (USGS) estimates a mean of 1.7 billion barrels of recoverable oil and 122 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas in the Levant Basin.176 This is about 68% the size of the Saudi oil field.177, Deuteronomy 33:24-25 .

In verse 25, the word for shoe is מInfoמ Mem is the 13th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It holds the numeric value of forty.
Letter Meaning: chaos, water, mighty
נInfoנ Nun is the 14th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It holds the numeric value of fifty. Often used with tav to form the feminine plural form of the noun. When used with vav at the end of a noun means "we", "us", "our" - avinu means "our father".
Letter Meaning: seed, sprout, fish, life
עInfoע Ayin is the 16th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It holds the numeric value of seventy.
Letter Meaning: eye, see, perceive, experience
לInfoל Lamed is the 12th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. It holds the numeric value of thirty.
Letter Meaning: control, authority, "to" or "from"
ךInfoך Kaf-final is the 11th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet but this version is used at the end of a word, and means "your" as in "your God", "your house". It holds the numeric value of twenty.
Letter Meaning: palm of hand, to open
, which is the only time it is used in Scripture. This word has a double meaning in that it means shoe, but also bolt. Oilrigs are made of steel. Steel is an alloy of iron and other metals. To cap off a well, brass tools or paraffin-coated tools are used in order to prevent a catastrophic spark.178 It is my belief that the shoes are rigs and that oil will be found soon in that region. In fact, there is a Christian company doing just that: Zion Oil (stock quote ZN, site:


Tribes of Israel


USGS Map of Oil Region

Text Box: Jerusalem Bus - Mar 2010179

Third Temple will be rebuilt

In March 2010, Jerusalem buses were advertising to stir up support to pressure thegovernment to rebuild the temple. The poster reads, May the Bais HaMikdosh be rebuilt speedily and within our days.179, Ezekiel 37:27-28 , Revelation 11:1-2 .

There is a split among the religious leaders about rebuilding the temple. Some say that the Messiah comes and then it is rebuilt. Still, others believe that the temple needs to be rebuilt so that the Messiah will come. Whatever the order, it will be rebuilt and the antichrist will desecrate it, Daniel 12:11 , Mark 13:14 .

In order for the sacrifices to cease, then there must be a temple. Some say this event happened in 167 BC when Antiochus IV Epiphanes (ca. 215-164 BCE) outlawed the daily sacrifices, feasts and Sabbaths.180 But the fact is that Jesus warned when you see this happening flee to the mountains. Jesus was born 160 years after this time, so the event is still future. There is an organization already in Jerusalem called the Temple Institute.181 The institute is dedicated to every aspect of the Scriptural commandment to build the Holy Temple of God on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. Since they are the ones dedicated to rebuilding the temple, they have many very interesting articles worth reading; such as the ashes of a red heifer. Numbers 19 describes the required sacrifice. They claim that is it not a requirement to have the ashes of the previous heifer (though it would be nice) in order to rebuild the temple. They also point out that Maimonides stated that the tenth red heifer would be accomplished by the Messiah182 - could this be the antichrist? They also state that nine red heifers have already been sacrifice since the first one completed by Moses.

War of Independence Players183



Flag_of_Israel Israel

Flag_of_Egypt_1972 Egypt
Egypt Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
Syria-flag_1932-58_1961-63 Syria
Flag_of_Jordan.svg/                 border= Jordan
Flag_of_Lebanon Lebanon
Iraq Iraq
Saudi Arabia Flag Variant (1938).svg Saudi Arabia
Palestinian territories Holy War Army
Flag of the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen.svg Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen
Arab League Arab Liberation Army
Muslim Brotherhood Emblem.jpg Muslim Brotherhood


Clearly, a decisive victory thanks to the Lord's protection especially considering that Israel didn't have much of an army and they fought four regular (national) armies.

II Samuel 7:23-25 And what one nation in the earthislike thy people,evenlike Israel, whom God went to redeem for a people to himself, and to make him a name, and to do for you great things and terrible, for thy land, before thy people, which thou redeemedst to thee from Egypt,fromthe nations and their gods? For thou hast confirmed to thyself thy people Israelto bea people unto thee for ever: and thou, LORD, art become their God. And now, O LORD God, the word that thou hast spoken concerning thy servant, and concerning his house, establishitfor ever, and do as thou hast said.

Prayer outlawed  - CY 5939

Creation Year: 5939 Western Year: 1963

The U.S. Supreme Court declares prayer in school as unconstitutional184 - the beginning of the end for the U.S.

Psalms 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell,andall the nations that forget God.

Six Day War  - CY 5943

Creation Year: 5943 Western Year: 1967

Israel was attacked and within six days, God gave Israel the whole of the Sinai Peninsula, the whole of Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, and the West Bank. Israel's amazing win, quadroupled its size new ref -

Job 8:7 Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.

There are so many miracles it's amazing! Here are a few:

"The Arabs were surprised; the fear of the Jews fell upon them. In Hevron, and in Shechem, in Jenin and in Jericho the Arabs were heavily armed. There was not even one small Arab village without arms. With great haste, the Arabs, however, hid their weapons and didn't consider using them. They raised their hands up, and flew white flags of surrender from every edifice. The fear of G-d fell upon hundreds of thousands of proud Arabs, who were filled with hatred and loathing for Israel. Only yesterday, they had sworn to fight until their last drop of blood."185

In the late hours of the night, an IDF truck loaded with arms and shells parked next to a Jerusalem building. Its mission was to bring a fresh supply of ammunition to the front line outposts. The element of danger was great in that were the truck to be hit by enemy fire, the subsequent explosions of all the ammo would bring down all the buildings in the area on their inhabitants. Suddenly the whistling of an approaching enemy shell was heard, and the shell, indeed, scored a direct hit on the vehicle.

But the Arab shell did not explode. It remained perched atop the pile of Israeli shells in the truck.186

A German journalist summarized: 'Nothing like this has happened in history. A force including a 1000 tanks, hundreds of artillery cannons, many rockets and fighter jets, and a hundred thousand soldiers armed from head to toe was destroyed in two days in an area covering hundreds of kilometers filled with reinforced outposts and installations. And this victory was carried out by a force that lost many soldiers and much equipment, positions, and vehicles. No military logic or natural cause can explain this monumental occurrence.'187

Six-Day War Players183



Israel Israel Egypt Syria Jordan
Arab Expeditionary Forces: Iraq
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Morocco Morocco
Algeria Algeria
Tunisia Tunisia
Flag of Sudan (1956-1970).svg Sudan

Abortion permitted  - CY 5949

Creation Year: 5949 Western Year: 1973

Abortion permitted in the U.S.188 With tens of millions of American babies murdered, what do you think God will permit to happen to America? This is what God said to Israel, Leviticus 20:2, Deuteronomy 19:10.

People sacrificed their children to Molech which was just an idol. Today, people sacrifice their children so they don't have to take responsibility for their immoral actions. The psychological effect is devastating to a woman.

 Studies within the first few weeks after the abortion have found that between 40 and 60 percent of women questioned report negative reactions. Within 8 weeks after their abortions, 55% expressed guilt, 44% complained of nervous disorders, 36% had experienced sleep disturbances, 31% had regrets about their decision, and 11% had been prescribed psychotropic medicine by their family doctor.189

The arguments were presented to the U.S. Supreme Court on 13 Dec 1971, which happened to fall on 25 Kislev 5732, Hanukah. The decision was made on 22 January 1973, and Americans began killing babies ever since.

Yom Kippur War  - CY 5949

Creation Year: 5949 Western Year: 1973

Another provocation by the Arabs and again Israel took more land from Syria. The real evil was that on this day Israel disconnects from modern technology to focus on God meaning that there was no way to call the forces into action. So the military flew planes purposfully making sonic booms to get everyone's attention knowing that this was not a normal event everyone ref - Again God used the work of the Wright Brothers to save Israel.

Yom Kippur War183



Israel Israel

Flag_of_Egypt_1972 Egypt
Arab Expeditionary Forces:
Flag_of_Iraq_1963-1991 Iraq
Flag_of_Jordan Jordan
Flag_of_Morocco Morocco
Flag_of_Saudi_Arabia Saudi Arabia
Flag_of_Tunisia Tunisia
Flag_of_Libya Libya
Flag_of_Kuwait Kuwait
Flag_of_Algeria Algeria
Flag_of_Sudan Sudan
Flag_of_Lebanon Lebanon
Other Expeditionary Forces:
Flag_of_Cuba Cuba
Flag_of_North_Korea North Korea
Flag_of_Pakistan Pakistan


Notice that with each war, more Arabs unite against Israel, but to no avail. God is so awesome!

Comet Shoemaker-Levy collides with Jupiter  - CY 5970

Creation Year: 5970 Western Year: 1994

From July 16 (8 Av 5754) through July 22, 1994, pieces of an object designated as Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with Jupiter. This is the first collision of two solar system bodies ever to be observed, and the effects of the comet impacts on Jupiter's atmosphere have been simply spectacular and beyond expectations. Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 consisted of at least 21 discernable fragments with diameters estimated at up to two kilometers. (9 Av 5754) 190

10 Commandments outlawed  - CY 5977

Creation Year: 5977 Western Year: 2001

The U.S. Supreme Court declares the 10 Commandments cannot be shown on Government property191, May 29, 2001 (7 Sivan 5761 - 3,524 years and one day after Moses received them from the finger of God!).

SHAVUOT (6 Sivan) - One of the three pilgrim festivals (the others being Passover and Succoth) which were marked by pilgrimages to Jerusalem to participate in the special Temple celebrations. It is known as The Feast of Weeks because it falls seven weeks after Passover. It is also called The Festival of First Fruits. Shavuot is a two-day observance (one in Israel). In Jewish tradition, it commemorates the giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai, which took place on 6 Sivan.

Four months later, nineteen Islamic radicals attacked New York City, NY, on 11 September 2001, killing over 3000 people. During 2001, the US Federal Reserve lowered the Federal funds rate 11 times, from 6.5% to 1.75%. By 2008, the rate was lowered to .25%192 Mortgage fraud is up 1411%.193 By 2007, the bust was in full bloom with the collapse of the sub-prime lending, which lead to the banks to collapse, which lead to the full housing collapse, which caused even more banks to fail. By 2008 the market crashed and by the end of 2010 rebounded while gold hit a record high in October 2010 of $1414/troy ounce from just over $500/ounce in Feb 2006.194 I mention this because it is not normal for the price of gold to increase when the stock market also increases. It could be that the U.S. debt is over $13.8 trillion.195

Signs in the Heavens  - CY 5990

Creation Year: 5990 Western Year: 2014

Luke 21:25And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars...

Genesis 1:14And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

Never prior to 1492, have these signs occurred. There are four lunar eclipses corresponding to Scriptural feasts. The word feast in Hebrew implies an appointment, or an appointed time, not a party with food.

Here is a breakdown of these signs in the heavens

Solar eclipse falls on 1 Av on the three consecutive years:

  • 1 August 2008 (1st of Av - the start of 9 days of fasting until 9 Av)
  • 22 July 2009 (1st of Av)
  • 11 July 2010 (1st of Av)

There have been three back-to-back sets of blood-red moons corresponding to significant events, within two years, on the first day of Passover and of Tabernacle.

1. The Spanish Inquisition's final year 1492, when the Alhambra Decree ordered all remaining Jews who would not convert to Christianity had to leave Spain

2. The 1948 Israeli War of Independence

3. The 1967 Israeli Six-Day War

Here are the specific dates:

The Spanish Inquisition — 1492

  • Passover, April 2, 1493
  • Tabernacles, Sept. 25, 1493
  • Passover, March 22, 1494
  • Tabernacles, Sept. 15, 1494

    The Israeli War of Independence — 1948

  • Passover, April 13, 1949
  • Tabernacles, Oct. 7, 1949
  • Passover, April 2, 1950
  • Tabernacles, Sept. 26, 1950

    The Six-Day War — 1967

  • First Day of Passover, April 24, 1967
  • First Day of Tabernacles, Oct. 18, 1967
  • First Day of Passover, April 13, 1968
  • First Day of Tabernacles, Oct. 6, 1968

    For 2014 and 2015, these events will occur with four extra events (never before, never after):

  • First Day of Passover, April 15, 2014 - Blood Moon eclipse
  • First Day of Tabernacles, Oct. 8, 2014 - Blood Moon eclipse
  • Total Solar eclipse Mar. 20, 2015 on the last day/first day of the scriptural new year (Adar 29/Nisan 1)
  • First Day of Passover, April 4, 2015 - Blood Moon eclipse
  • Just hours before Rosh Hashanah (The Feast of Trumpets), Sept. 13, 2015 - Solar eclipse - End of the Sabbatical Year and the Start of the Year of Jubilee (once every 50 years)
  • First Day of Tabernacles, Sept. 28, 2015 - Blood Moon eclipse

    I know of But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only, however, to the faithful, the watchmen that is ready:

    I Thessalonians 5:1-6But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

    It's like Abraham and Lot. Abraham knew what was going to happen shortly, but Lot didn't have a clue until it was too late.

    Jesus warns us:

    Luke 21:34-36And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

    Let us pray ...we are accounted worthy to escape all these things...

    Do you know that in old times in Jewish life, when the son was to get married, it was only after the father said the son was ready, prepared to accept his wife, and built a home suitable for the new couple? Therefore, no one knew the day or the hour until the father said it was time. The only other date that could not be known in advance was the first day of civic calendar called the Feast of Trumpets (1 Tishri) because it didn't happened until it was declared by the high priest that the new moon had been sighted. Even in Ramadan (Islamic holy month) and even today, the start of Ramadan isn't known until it is declared by council.

    Do you know why Jesus left us here?

    John 14:2-3In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

    May He return tonight!

    When Jesus came the first time, it involved all the feasts in spring. Revelations shows that His second coming will involve the fall feasts. The correlations of events in Jesus' life fall right in line with the meanings of the feasts. The following is a list one should search out in scriptures because they have already been fulfilled:

  • Jesus conceived Festival of Lights (Hanukkah)
  • Jesus born Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkoth)
  • Jesus died on Passover
  • Jesus rose from the dead on Feast of First Fruits
  • Jesus gave the Holy Spirit on the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) - and the 10 commandments to Moses

    These feasts are left:

  • Feast of Trumpets - (I Cor. 15:52, I Thess. 4:16 the Rapture and/or day of return to set up His kingdom)

    o    Jesus returns to defend Israel from the Antichrist (Ezekiel 40) and defeat the Muslims (Isaiah) and separates the sheep and goat nations

  • Day of Atonement - Sets up His rule, removes the curse on the Earth, and sets right what Adam forfeited. 

    End of day six  - CY 6001

    Creation Year: 6001 Western Year: 2025

    End of day six, beginning of day seven.

    II Peter 3:8But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one dayiswith the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.


    T H E  E N D