Author Archives: abdicate

The Witness of the Stars

Decades ago, I learned about this amazing truth. But, that I didn’t know was that it wasn’t a new discovery. I found an online version and have included in my site. The Witness of the Stars Truly, the Good News … Continue reading

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What is God’s Signature?

Since WordPress doesn’t let you add images easily, I decided to keep this article within a PDF file. I hope you find it useful. God’s awesome complexity is everywhere. So here’s His signature.

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Unfolding Events

Misunderstanding the scriptures leads to a false relationship with God. Indeed, man’s interference is why there are an estimation of between 20,000 and 45,000 “Christian” denominations, with a staggering approximate 900 English bibles including partial, complete, and paraphrased translations. The … Continue reading

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First, I want to say how thankful I am to God for His Love, Mercy, Truth, and Grace. As America celebrates Thanksgiving to God (original purpose1) for the bounty and protection He gives us, I want to talk about lions … Continue reading

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Meditate and I will demonstrate

Much of what I post is actually for me. As I learn, I like to share. Many times, we suffer from ignorance (Hosea 4:6.) Being absorbed by society’s to-do list and social media, we find time slipping away. The intended … Continue reading

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Musing or Amusing

Psalms 39:3My heart was hot within me, while I was musing the fire burned: I spoke with my tongue The prefix a- from Greek, can denote the meaning “not” and “without.” Then, what is musing? It means to be deep … Continue reading

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Messages in Names

Nothing in the word of God is wasted information. Here’s an example of how wisdom was given to Solomon: 1 Kings 4:29-34 God gave Solomon [peace] abundant wisdom and understanding, and very great understanding, even as the sand that is … Continue reading

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Science – Latin for “to know”

George Washington died because they let out his blood “thinking” that they were releasing the fever. We don’t do blood letting today (except for Hemochromatosis) because blood letting kills. This was so stated in the word of God. Genesis 9:3-4 … Continue reading

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Listening Heart

לב שמע Hearing (שמע) Heart (לב) These are the words Solomon answered the Lord God when God asked him what he desired from the Lord. Hebrew is thematic in its definitions of words. That is, they each have their own … Continue reading

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Hebrew is Thematic

What does that mean? Well, when you go to a company, they have a theme – like Coca-Cola has a red and white theme – their cans have the color scheme, their website, their commercials – they all have a … Continue reading

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