Creation to Noah Chapter 1 Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. One of the few constants of the world throughout the ages has been games. It's almost as if a gene residing in all of us to want to play games, and not just any games, puzzle games. Just in my lifetime, there have been great moves of people playing Rubik's Cube, Tetris, crossword puzzles, Cryptoquip, and Sudoku. This isn't limited to just games, but books, movies, and television shows; mysteries, intrigue, curiosity, they call to us. Scientists are even saying that playing brain games might help prevent or slow the progression of alzheimers. 1 The Scriptures are no different. They present sometimes a bit more of a challenge, but in the end there are great rewards. These ten words of Genesis 1:1 say it all. Since I love science and I love Scripture, this quote is fitting from scientists: In verse one of the Book, we can find all the elements of Science summed up in 10 words: (1) Time - Beginning, (2) Space - Heavens, (3) Motion - created, (4) Matter - the earth, (5) Energy - God created. 2 Loving science and the Scriptures seem to be mutually exclusive, but we are told to seek and search out wisdom. I believe that science and Scripture can mesh if science accepts Scripture! Ecclesiastes 1:13-14 And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith. I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit. Not one to believe what I see, feel, or read at face value, I needed to understand and meditate on it for myself. To do my own homework as it were. There are gems that are lost in translation from Hebrew. The Hebrew alphabet does not contain vowels per se. They also read from right to left. See if you can understand the English sentence below: L-v- th- L-rd y-r G-d w-th -ll y-r h-rt. If you read: Love the Lord your God with all your heart. Then you can begin to see how it is the Jews read Hebrew. Today, they have dots and dashes to help foreigners learn Hebrew, but this wasn't until around 600 AD to 1000 AD3. People read the Scriptures and just glance over the words instead of meditating on them as we are instructed, Joshua 1:8. Upon reflection, the amount of amazing discoveries is almost unbelievable. Think about it for a moment. God puts His signature on everything He creates. The more you study nature, the more wonders you discover. The deeper you go, the more wonder is discovered. We started out with simple home remedies to cure tummy aches. Then we learned about cells and their functions and adjusted our actions based on this new information. Next DNA was discovered and again out actions were adjusted. Now we're learning to manipulate nature to create cures for tragic diseases, and we still don't understand all the mechanics. This never-ending level of complexity is everywhere. If God wanted to share with us information in written form as the Scriptures state, wouldn't this complexity also bear true? That is, the move we delve into the Word, we'd find more and more complexity beyond the surface text? Certainly, but that new information would never contradict the plain text. Truly the Word of God contains these never-ending complexities just waiting for the willing to learn. This is what the crux of this study is about: sharing some of the repeatable hidden treasures I've found. Here's a quick example. The sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is
called vav ו Hebrew is also written from right to left. The cool thing is the first time in Scripture uses vav is in the sixth Hebrew word of Genesis 1:1, the purple shaded column. Here's the breakdown in Hebrew of Genesis 1:1. The fourth word, highlighted in yellow, is pronounced "et" (א
a Mark 16:19 Furthermore, in this first verse of Genesis you see that א Creation of Adam - CY 0, dies CY 930 The First Adam Not knowing the age of Adam when he was created, Genesis 2:7, (i.e. was he created with the age of a man being 20 years old?) For the sake of this study, these years are counted just as Scripture has it, the years Adam lived. Genesis 5:3-5 specifically states that Adam had lived 130 years when he begat Seth. This means that Adam's first year was as God had created him, a man. For more information on Creation vs. Evolution, see appendix A. Genesis chapter one is the culmination of the beginning, the Genesis. So now, we have a man on the earth. The seventh day God rested. Why? Was He tired? No, He was being an example to the man, who does get tired. Work six days then rest one. In Genesis 2:7, God reiterates what happened by explaining how Adam came to be. Eve is formed... - CY 1* *We don't know what year Eve was made, so I put her in the next year figuring that it took that time for Adam to name all the animals, Genesis 2:19-20. Eve was formed from Adam's rib, not from his foot or from his head, but next to his heart - to be loved, Genesis 2:21-23. Eve is tempted, Adam falls - CY 7* *We don't know what year she was tempted so this is just to show the passage of time, Genesis 3:6. Exiled from Eden - CY 7* *We don't know what year they fell so this is just to show the passage of time, Genesis 3:21-24. Cain and Abel are born - CY 9* *We don't know what year Eve gave birth so this is just to show the passage of time, Genesis 4:1-2. I believe Cain and Abel were twins. In Hebrew, the first word of
Genesis 4:2 is ו Cain kills Abel - CY 36* *We don't know what year this happened so this is just to show the passage of time, Genesis 4:8. Seth is born - CY 130, dies CY 1042 Creation Year: 130 Adam's age at the birth of Seth is 130 years from the beginning of his existence, Genesis 5:3-5. Seth lived 912 years, Genesis 5:6-8. Jewish Calendar Starts - CY 216 (WY: 3761 BC) Why the difference in the Jewish calendar and the rendering of chronology according to Scripture? While I struggled with this over the years, I waited on the Lord to show me the truth. The entire study, started in the year 2000, has been one in pursuit of the truth. To quote Pilate, "...What is truth?..." The answer is found in Psalms 119:160, "Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgment endureth for ever." This is a prophecy of Jesus, "...the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us...full of grace and truth." John 1:14. So I say, can you put down your ideas, your dogma, your desires to hear truth? The more I learn about the Lord and read His word, I can only conclude what Enoch said, "But without faith it is impossible to please him..." Hebrews 11:6. Once in the Old Testament and twice in the New Testament it states that the Just shall live by faith. When we are faced with a dilemma of contradictory information, where do you decide to turn to for the truth? Scientists? Archaeologists? Your pastor? I emphatically decided before I even started this study that it was to find out the truth, that my foundation would be the Scriptures; that no matter how much evidence there was in history or encyclopedias, Scripture would overrule any information if it was contradictory to what is written in the word of God, Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4, Hebrews 4:12. Therefore, when I came to the impossible task of explaining away why there was a difference in the Jewish calendar and the chronology presented in Scripture, I waited on the Lord. Two years after completing the study, I found the answer in Hebraic Literature. To quote Yoma, fol.9, col. 1., What is the meaning where it is written (Ps. x. 27), 'The fear of the Lord prolongeth days, but the years of the wicked shall be shortened;' 'The fear of the Lord prolongeth days' alludes to the four hundred and ten years the first Temple stood, during which period the succession of high priests numbered only eighteen. But 'the years of the wicked shall be shortened' is illustrated by the fact that during the four hundred and twenty years that the second Temple stood the succession of high priests numbered more than three hundred. If we deduct the forty years during which Shimon the Righteous held office, and the eighty of Rabbi Yochanan, and the ten of Rabbi Ishmael ben Rabbi, it is evident that not one of the remaining high priests lived to hold office for a whole year."
When I read this and other online sites on this topic, I realized that in order to cover up the dates of the Messiah, the calendar had to have been surreptitiously changed by the Jewish rulers of the time. Even before this action, the New Testament said they lied about Jesus' resurrection, knowing full well Who He was (Matthew 27:62-66) and they paid the Roman soldiers large sums of money to be quiet about what really happened (Matthew 28:11-15). These passages showed the length to which they were willing to go to hide the truth. Even today, as Scripture states, they believe Jesus' body was stolen by His disciples. They knew where and when Jesus was born (Matthew 2:1-8), they knew exactly who He was, Jesus told them (Luke 4:16-22)! Some of the rulers knew and accepted Him, (John 3) and defended Him (John 7:50) and cared for His body (John 19:38-42) after the crucifixion. To further this, the Tract Abuda Zara The disciples of Elijah taught: The world will continue for six thousand years, the first two thousand of which were a chaos (Tahu), the second two thousand were of Torah, and the third two thousand are the days of the Messiah, and because of our sins many years of these have elapsed, and still he has not come. So if they believed this, then at the 4000th year, the very year
Jesus started His ministry, they would have been on the lookout for the
Messiah (Mark 1:15). They rejected Jesus, but accepted Barabbas and
later Simon Bar Kokhba. The Talmud The Talmud As the land of Canaan had one year of release in seven, so has the world one millennium of release in seven thousand years; for it is said (Isa. ii. 17), 'And the Lord alone will be exalted in that day;' and again (Ps. xcii. 1), 'A psalm or song for the Sabbath day,' which means a long Sabbatic period, and again (Ps. xc. 4), 'For a thousand years in Thy sight are but as the day of yesterday.' This is repeated in the New Testament, II Peter 3:8. For the sake of
one righteous man the whole world is preserved in existence, as it is
written Proverbs 10:25, "The righteous man is an everlasting
foundation." This verse explains why the rapture
The Jewish calendar is an algorithm created in 359 AD (c.) so the
author "started" different than the actual start of "time" because he
knew or didn't know about the change in the calendar that happened
around 136 AD. I put this information here because I wanted to show
that though we count the Jewish calendar years, I worked backwards to
this point to show the disparage between the "known" date and the
actual passage of time according to Scripture. Until the time of Jesus,
this recollection of time reflected accurately within five years of
what is written in the Talmud The Jewish tradition of counting years since the
creation of the world has its roots in early Talmudic Also according to the August 2005 newsletter by Prophecy in the News, it shows that 154 years can be accounted for by the removal of the Persian chronology of several kings by Yose ben Halafta. "...[S]ometime between A.D. 135-160, Yose ben Halafta, student of Rabbi Akiva, and admirer of Bar Kokhbah, changed the dating so that Daniel's seventy weeks would point to Bar Kokhbah as the predicted Messiah, rather than Jesus."5 During this study, I will focus on the Creation Year and provide the Western Year since this is how the world currently counts. However the Jewish Year will be provided based on today's count (12 Dec 2009=25 Kislev 5770). Enos is born - CY 235, dies CY 1140 Creation Year: 235 The age of Seth when he had Enos, Genesis 5:6-8. Enos lived 905 years, Genesis 5:11. Cainan is born - CY 325, dies CY 1235 Creation Year: 325 The age of Enos when he had Cainan, Genesis 5:9-11. Cainan lived 910 years, Genesis 5:14. Mahalaleel is born - CY 395, dies CY 1290 Creation Year: 395 The age of Cainan when he had Mahalaleel, Genesis 5:12-14. Mahalaleel lived 895 years, Genesis 5:17. Jared is born - CY 460, dies CY 1422 Creation Year: 460 The age of Mahalaleel when he had Jared, Genesis 5:15-17. Jared lived 962 years, Genesis 5:20. Enoch is born - CY 622, translated CY 987 Creation Year: 622 The age of Jared when he had Enoch, Genesis 5:18-20. Enoch lived 365 years because the Lord took him in a rapture Methuselah is born - CY 687, dies CY 1656 (year of the Flood) Creation Year: 687 The age of Enoch when he had Methuselah, Genesis 5:21. Methuselah lived 969 years, the oldest in all of history, and died the year of the Flood in CY 1656, Genesis 5:27. Lamech is born - CY 874, dies CY 1651 Creation Year: 874 The age of Methuselah when he had Lamech, Genesis 5:25. Lamech lived 777 years, Genesis 5:31. Adam Dies - CY 930 Creation Year: 930 Adam dies within a day, Genesis 5:5, Genesis 2:17, II Peter 3:8. Enoch is Raptured. - CY 987 Creation Year: 987 Enoch is raptured End of day one - CY 1001 Creation Year: 1001 End of day one, beginning of day two, II Peter 3:8. Seth Dies - CY 1042 Creation Year: 1042 Counting, this is the year Seth dies, Genesis 5:8. Noah is born - CY 1056, dies CY 2006 Creation Year: 1056 The age of Lamech when he had Noah, Genesis 5:28-31, Genesis 9:29. Noah lived 950 years. Please see Appendix
C to read the Gospel Enos dies - CY 1140 Creation Year: 1140 Enos dies, Genesis 5:11. Cainan dies - CY 1235 Creation Year: 1235 Cainan dies, Genesis 5:14. Mahalaleel dies - CY 1290 Creation Year: 1290 Mahalaleel dies, Genesis 5:17. Jared dies - CY 1422 Creation Year: 1422 Jared dies, Genesis 5:20. Shem is born - CY 1558, dies CY 2158 Creation Year: 1558 The age of Noah when he had Shem. This is a pitfall 602 - 100 = 502. Shem was born when Noah was 502 years old. Shem lived 600 years, Genesis 11:10-11. Lamech dies - CY 1651 Creation Year: 1651 Lamech dies, Genesis 5:31. The Flood - CY 1656 Creation Year: 1656 Methuselah dies (Year of the Flood) Noah is 600 years old, Genesis
7:6. Just over 33 Jubilees Notice God is long suffering. For 120 years, Noah preached and the oldest living person is the one named "his death shall bring" - awe, but to them, bring what? What Noah preached - the flood!!!! How very merciful is our God! Glory to Him!!! Noah lives another 350 years for a total of 950 years. On 17 Heshvan 1440 Noah and his family went into the ark and that same day the flood waters were broken up, Genesis 7:11-13, and it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, Genesis 7:17. Another 150 days (Genesis 7:24, 8:3-5) the waters increased until 19 Nisan 1440 when they abated. It was on that day the waters "abated," that is they started to recede. According to Genesis 8:4 the ark rested 2 days earlier on the 7th month, the 17th day (17 Nisan 1440). It is Nisan because it wasn't a leap year so there was no Adar II then. The waters decreased (Genesis 8:5) until the 10th month when on the 1st day of the month (1 Tammuz 1440) the mountaintops could be seen - I imagine like little islands. Noah waited 40 days (Genesis 8:6, 12 Av 1440) to send out the raven and the dove - the dove returned. Seven more days he sent out the dove, who had returned (19 Av 1440), and again the dove returned. Yet seven more days Noah waited and sent the dove out again, not to return (Genesis 8:12, 26 Av 1440). If you count using today's Hebrew calendar, you'll find that the 150 days turn into 147 or 148 days depending if it's a leap year. This is because the modern calendar contains a fix to accommodate the rules for feast days and Sabbaths and to synchronize to a solar year by adding the 5.25 days. From Heshvan 17 to Nisan 17, according to Scripture, is 150 days. Since the Scriptures are 100% correct, you must understand then that a year was 360 days long, divided into twelve 30-day months. A perfect year and and a perfect month from a perfect God. Counting from the second month (Heshvan) to the seventh month (Nisan - Nisan didn't become the first month until the Exodus 12:2) contains 30 days each, counting you get (7-2) * 30 = 150 days. What happened to make this change? Scripture answers the question in Psalms 82:5. See, before the flood, there was no hint of rain or snow and that the land was watered by the mist that came up from the ground, Genesis 2:5-6. Today earthquakes alter the speed of the earth's rotation as well as has an effect on its tilt, so imagine the effects of all that water and great earthquakes worldwide. The flood added the 5.25 days to the earth's travel around the sun. Waters dried up... - CY 1657 Creation Year: 1657 Finally, in the 601st year of Noah's life, 1st month 1st day
(Genesis 8:13, 1 Tishri 1441 They all possibly left the ark when the ground was dry on the 27th of Heshvan 1441 The Flood is one of several turning points for mankind. No longer is man allowed even close to live a full "day", Genesis 2:17, Genesis 5:5, II Peter 3:8. I believe the Lord uses nature to fulfill His wishes. Before the Flood, there is no written evidence that it ever rained. In fact, Genesis 2:5-6 affirms there was a mist that watered the ground. If this assumption holds true all the way to Genesis 7:4 (the next mention of "rain" in scripture) when the Lord warned Noah that in seven days He would cause it to rain, then where did the rain come from? According to an excellent book called In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood, deep holes, 5.6 to 7.5 miles, drilled by the Russians and the Germans found within crushed granite "hot flowing, mineralized water (including salt water - twice as salty as the ocean waters)". A theory, called The Hydroplate Theory, asserts that the Earth's crust sat on a thin layer of very salty water through interconnecting caverns 10 miles deep. Due to an increase in extreme pressure, a rift in the Earth formed 46,000 miles long, from the north of Iceland to Antarctica then up to India splitting off and running under Australia over and up along South America north to Alaska. The extreme pressure shot up into the air this water which then rained down all over the Earth like never before. The "fountains of the great deep" erupted causing the worldwide flood, and because of the height of the geyser, it began to freeze in the northern and southern regions of the planet and when the nearly frozen water fell back to the Earth, froze animals, rivers, and such instantly. Now we have polar ice caps. That'll certainly have an effect on the earth's rotation and tilt. Though this theory helps explain where some the water came from, it doesn't explain why people no longer live to be 900 years old, or what the "windows of heaven" where that opened. It is my belief that some other event occurred changing the conditions under which mankind lived. Whatever it was, it must have shortened the lifespan of mankind. Though scripture shows that men lived well into their 900's, what changed in order for David to write in Psalms 90:10 that we would live only to be 70-80 years old, on average? It is conceivable that the division of the "waters from the waters" in Genesis 1:6-7 was the creation of a type of water barrier that surrounded the earth, much like the ozone layer of today. Somehow, this barrier blocked the harmful radiation of the sun as well as helped keep in the heat allowing for a worldwide temperate climate. Today the holes in the ozone you hear about on the news allow more harmful rays in, burning people with extreme UV rays, causing sunburn in the short-term and skin cancer with long-term exposures. The lowering of the water barrier allowed enough of the sun's radiation to enter the atmosphere shortening our lifespan to 70-80 years, on average worldwide. I believe that this erupting of the fountains caused the windows of heaven to open, i.e. disrupting this barrier, and together, flooded the Earth. If it were just the fountains, then why bother mentioning "windows of heaven"? If you view the graphical version of the time-line on my web site below, you'll visually notice the average age drops dramatically for those born after the Flood. Because of the breakup of the fountains of the deep, and the windows of heaven opening, the Flood occurred and shortened mankind's lifespan. So you ask, why would God do this? The answer is in Genesis 6:5. Think about it, man lives 70-80 years and does great evil; imagine 900 years to do even greater evil? These gems are all over scripture. God means what He says and says what He means and allows novices to see what the wise cannot, 1 Corinthians 1:25-29. Below is a modified graph from my web site. The top bar graph shows the lifespan from Creation (the green vertical bar on the top left of the graph) to the flood (the purple vertical bar on the right of the top graph). The blue horizontal lines represent the length of a person's life. The bottom bar graph shows the lifespan after the flood (purple vertical bar on the bottom left of the image). As you can see in the bottom bar, the top blue line (under the green horizontal line) is Shem and the bottom blue line (above the word WY 2001 BC) is Abram. There is a dramatic drop in the age of those born before the flood compared to those born after the flood. Even though Arphaxad was born 2 years after the flood, he still benefited from the "strength" of his father's DNA, allowing him to live 483 years, but still dying only 62 years before his father Shem's death. Shem even outlived Abraham by 35 years who died at a "...good old age..." of 175! (Genesis 25:8) The red asterisks in the bottom graph indicate their deaths. Notice too that Abraham was born before the death of Noah and according to extra-biblical books, lived with Noah after Nimrod wanted to kill him. Scripture bears this out. ![]() References:
2 The Book of Genesis, Bible Baptist Bookstore, copyright, 1969 3 4 5
Is Lord!!