P R E S E N T A T I O N Though the entries presented here are for your benefit, it really doesn't show the passage of time. The best way would be something similar to this:
Table 1 After pages and pages of empty notes, it would become boring right off. I've created a graphical version on my web site at http://www.abdicate.net/chrontime.aspx which looks like Figure 1. The lines show the process of time and the bubbles contain the information presented here. Since we're talking about 6000 entries, you can use the hyperlinks to jump from year to year. If the Creation year is speculated to show continuity, it is marked with an asterisk (*). "CY" is "Creation Year" and "WY" is the "Gregorian Western Year" even though it did not exist for the British Empire and the United States before 1752 AD, when it was adopted. "JY" is the JewishYear calendar. Figure 1
Is Lord!!