Abram to Exodus Chapter 3 Abram is born - CY 1948 Creation Year: 1948 The age of Terah when he had Abram. He is born no more than 18 months shy of the 39th Jubilee since Creation. In 78 Jubilees (less 3 years) Israel "is born in a day!" Genesis 11:26, Acts 7:2-4, Genesis 12:4. The verses above deal with the age of Abram. He was born to Terah when Terah was 70 years old. This is a touchy subject because some believe Abram was born when Terah was 130 years; deduced by Abram leaving his father after his father's death. Abram was 75 years old when he left Haran based on Genesis 12:4 and Acts 7:2-4. Terah lived 205 years so subtracting 75 would have made Terah 130 when he had Abram. But why would God say to leave his father's house in verse Genesis 12:4 if his father was already dead? This is not what I believe. This to me is another pitfall with which one must be careful. Scripture is specific when it says in Genesis 12:1-3 that Abram was to leave his father. This cannot be taken lightly if we are to believe that scripture is inerrant and that every word has a specific purpose. Chapter 11 says Terah died, so how could Abram leave his father? I believe chapter 11 is a summary account because Terah is no longer mentioned by name again in scripture until Joshua 24:2 and only when talking about idol worshipers, and in I Chronicles 1:26 and Luke 3:34 when discussing Abraham’s lineage. He is mentioned in passing in Acts 7:4, which we’ll discuss in a moment. Chapter 11 of Genesis discusses how Terah took his family to Haran from Ur of the Chaldees, and he dies there in Haran at 205 years of age. I have always wondered if his family were idol worshippers, then how did Abram learn the truth. In the time-line that I am going to present, Abram would have been alive when Noah was still alive. If we bump up the age of Terah to when he had Abram at 130, Noah would have been dead by the time Abram was born. Not only would this event have changed, but also the arrival date of Jesus in 7 BC would have been much later; His death would certainly have been in 82 AD! This isn’t possible, so something else must hold the answer. I believe the passage of time written in scripture is accurate to the letter, and I hope to show you how that’s possible even with this time-line thinking of Terah being 70 when he had Abram. I don’t like using extra biblical books, but when scripture isn’t clear, I believe they can be a tool to help look at things from a different angle. By using them, I do not endorse their writings, nor do I elevate them to the status of Scripture. Even using a dictionary can give you a better understanding of the truth without changing the truth. Since many studies include the historian Josephus who lived from 37 AD to ~100 AD (Wikipedia.com), I’ll mention what he wrote. He wrote several books in a collection called Antiquities of the Jews where he discusses the world’s history from a Jewish perspective. He does not match up with scripture very often for some reason, but many people use his writings almost as gospel. Nevertheless, in book 6, chapter 6, para 5, he states "...for Terah begat Abram in his seventieth year." Sadly, this is not proof, because he goes on to say, "Arphaxad was the son of Shem, and born twelve years after the deluge." Now you understand my hesitation when citing him as a source. We know from scripture that Arphaxad was born two years after the flood, not twelve. Since Abram was more important in Moses’ writing of Genesis, the Lord chose to put Abram first instead of Haran, his older brother. This assumption is made because in Genesis 20:12 when Abram explains why he lied about Sarai being his sister. In support of this, in another extra biblical book called "Jasher" (mentioned in Joshua 10:13 and II Samuel 1:18) it states in chapter 9:4 "Haran was forty-two years old when he begat Sarai, which was in the tenth year of the life of Abram." This would make Sarai Abram’s stepsister and niece. The Genesis account is of Abram, not Haran, and so when Moses states that Terah had Abram at 70, Terah had Abram at 70. Haran and Nahor’s age however are never mentioned in scripture, so this scenario is a possibility. Another way to explain the account in Acts could be that the death of Terah could have been a sustained spiritual death. I mean, what if Abram was called out of Haran after his father rejected Abram’s faith and went back to idol worshipping and God called Abram to leave, knowing that there was no more hope for his father. Remember, what that one disciple that wanted to follow Jesus asked, "let me bury my father" and Jesus said, "let the dead bury their dead" even though the dead cannot really bury the dead, so Jesus conveys the meaning they are dead spiritually. (Matthew 8:21-22, Luke 9:59-60, Matthew 23:27). We are saved by faith, correct? Yes, Ephesians 2:8. That is how Abraham was saved. Wait! What do you mean, "he was saved by faith? It didn’t exist then!" Yes it did, Galatians 3:6-9, Hebrews 11:8. As Abraham was saved, looking forward to the cross (Genesis 22:8) so we too look back to the cross for salvation. We are all saved by faith. (Habakkuk 2:4; John 3:36; Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11; Philippians 3:9; Hebrews 10:38; 11:6-7) Though we do not have explicit scripture to help understand this one bump in the road, this would be a way of using scripture to understand scripture, as is my foundation, II Timothy 2:15. I believe these pitfalls are necessary to weed out those that do not hold scripture as being inerrant. So now, bringing a New Testament principle back to the Old Testament as Galatians and Hebrews did, is it so hard to believe that Terah was 70 when he had Abram? This is why you must take into account all scripture and every word of scripture, for those seemingly insignificant words can change everything. Still, Jasher also mentions that Abram was born to Terah when Terah was 70 years old (Jasher 7:51). The book goes on to say there was some celestial event that the sages of Nimrod interpreted as a sign that this newborn Abram "...will grow up and be fruitful, and multiply, and possess all the earth, he and his children for ever, and he and his seed will slay great kings, and inherit their lands. Jasher 8:4. The next day these sages went and told the king what had happened. The king called Terah and made him surrender his newborn child to be killed. Terah took a son, born that day of one of his servants, delivered him instead, and sent his son, Abram, with his mother and nurse for 10 years into a cave for safekeeping. "And when Abram came out from the cave, he went to Noah and his son Shem, and he remained with them to learn the instruction of the Lord and his ways, and no man knew where Abram was, and Abram served Noah and Shem his son for a long time." Jasher 9:5. Additionally, in this chronology study I discovered that Jesus started His ministry at the end of day four, i.e. 4000 years from creation. I am no way usurping Acts by using the book of Jasher or because some "dates" line up to my advantage. I believe Acts 7:2-4 is 100% accurate and means what it says. So what else could it mean? There is yet one more possibility to help smooth out this bump in the road. When the Scriptures mention that Abram left Haran when "his father was dead", "his father" could actually have been referring to Noah. If the age of Noah is accurate in scripture, and we know it is, Abram was 58 when Noah died. Since Abram lived with Noah, according to Jasher, and learned the things of the Lord from him, it’s very conceivable that he called Noah "father". I was shocked to find in Jasher this verse:"At that time, at the end of three years of Abram's dwelling in the land of Canaan, in that year Noah died, which was the fifty-eighth year of the life of Abram; and all the days that Noah lived were nine hundred and fifty years and he died." Jasher 13:9. I found this after I had done the math with my study to determine Abram’s age of 58. Also Jasher says that Terah died when Isaac was 35 years old (Jasher 22:31), which would make him 205 just as the scriptures say. In fact, Jasher even says that Shem (Noah’s son – who died several years after Abraham died), Eber (Shem’s great-grandson), Terah and Nahor came for the weaning ceremony of Isaac. In fact, there is this verse from Genesis when the Lord appeared to Jacob, Genesis 28:13. God calls Abraham the "father" of Jacob, when Abraham is really his
grandfather. In fact, it is not a mistranslation because the word א The difference is only 60 years. Why is this so important? All
scripture leads to Jesus and even the Jewish oral tradition says in the
Babylonian Talmud ...in the seven year cycle at the end of which the son of David will come-in the first year... II Kings 19:29 states that that year was a Sabbatical Year The world is to exist six thousand years. In the first two thousand there was desolation; two thousand years the Torah flourished; and the next two thousand years is the Messianic era, but through our many iniquities all these years have been lost." Here is the key point to the Jews; after four thousand years, the Messiah would come. He did, those of His household rejected Him and after 135 AD had to change the calendar to hide the mistake of Rabbi Akiva 1 declaring Bar Kokhbah the Messiah and to prove false the growing "Christian" movement. I believe scripture wants us to find Jesus and there are many references that Jesus’ arrival time, at the appointed time, you just have to put the puzzle together: every piece, Mark 1:15, Daniel 9:25-26, Galatians 4:4-5, Ephesians 1:10, Jeremiah 33:15, Habakkuk 2:3. The time was set and fulfilled. This is why these 60 years are so important. From Jesus’ own words: Luke 19:41-44 "And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it, Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes. For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side, And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation." Abram lived 175 years, Genesis 25:7. Sarai is born - CY 1958, dies CY 2085 Creation Year: 1958 Sarai is born (Abram's wife-to-be), deduced, Genesis 17:15, Genesis 17:17, Genesis 23:1. Peleg dies CY 1996 Creation Year: 1996 Peleg dies, Genesis 11:19. Nahor dies CY 1997 Creation Year: 1997 Nahor dies, Genesis 11:25. End of day two - CY 2001 Creation Year: 2001 End of day two, beginning of day three, II Peter 3:8. Noah Dies - CY 2006 Creation Year: 2006 Noah died. He lived 12 Jubilees, then the Flood, and then lived seven more Jubilees, Genesis 9:28-29. Abram leaves Haran - CY 2023 Creation Year: 2023 Abram leaves the city of Haran with Lot by the call of God, Genesis 12:4, Acts 7:4. As you can see, though it’s some years later, Abram left his father, who still had many years left to live. The "father" in Acts 7:4, as we determined before, was Noah. 430-year Promise - CY 2023 Creation Year: 2023 Greatest promise given to Abram, Genesis 12:1-3. This is the time of the sacrifices to God and God promises Abram an heir, Genesis 15:1-5, Genesis 15:12-16, Galatians 3:17. The promise of an heir and their affliction of 400 years begins. It is here I believe that the 430 years start not only because God Himself says 400 (from Isaac, his seed), and Exodus 12:40-41 says "...this selfsame day...", the Passover, which God made at Abram's sacrifice. Reu Dies - CY 2026 Creation Year: 2026 Reu dies, Genesis 11:21. Abram takes Hagar - CY 2033 Creation Year: 2033 Abram takes Hagar, after 10 years in the land to be his wife and she becomes pregnant, Genesis 16:3-4. Ishmael is born - CY 2034, dies CY 2171 Creation Year: 2034 Ishmael was born, Genesis 16:15-16, Genesis 25:17. Abram is made Abraham - CY 2047 Creation Year: 2047 Abram's covenant with God was made. His name is changed to Abraham, Genesis 17:1, Genesis 17:5. The promise of an heir by Abraham and Sarah, Genesis 17:19, Genesis 17:21, Genesis 17:23-25. Sarah hears the promise herself, Genesis 18:10. Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed. Genesis 19. Please note: This is how you spell Abram (meaning: high
father) in Hebrew: א Abraham wasn't the only one to benefit, Sarai too received God's
Grace. Her name was ש Isaac is born - CY 2048, dies CY 2228 Creation Year: 2048 Abraham's age at the birth of Isaac, Sarah is 90. Isaac is born two years shy of the 41st Jubilee since Creation, Genesis 17:17, Genesis 21:5, Genesis 35:28. Serug Dies - CY 2049 Creation Year: 2049 Serug dies at 230, Genesis 11:22-23. Isaac is weaned - CY 2053 Creation Year: 2053 Isaac is weaned, Genesis 21:8. This is deduced from Genesis 15:12-16, Exodus 12:40-41, and Galatians 3:17. Ishmael (19 years old) and Hagar are cast out. This very year is thirty years since Abram's call by God and the promise of his seed being afflicted for 400 years. It is here that I break from tradition. From here on, you will need to pay attention to what scripture says. From here to the Exodus, Scripture is purposefully vague to weed out any who do not wish to know the truth. I choose this year because of Scripture. If you take all the information presented in Scripture and lay the information out in a spreadsheet, you’ll find the same results I present here. Scholars won’t agree with me because they do not hold Scripture to the infallible level I do. They "find" contradictory information and use it over what Scripture tells us. We are too far removed from these events in history to believe any book other than Scripture. No encyclopedia or history book agrees entirely with one another, so who do you choose to see the whole truth without bias? Even sixteenth century books do not agree with all the events as they’re written in Scripture. With every new archaeological discovery comes a "new" understanding, which either proves Scripture correct, or contradicts the erroneous de facto beliefs, so the next history book printing is rewritten. This study is but a written document of what the Spirit has shown me through Scripture. Let His words speak. Galatians 3:17, Genesis 21:9-14. Terah dies - CY 2083 Creation Year: 2096 Terah dies, Genesis 11:32. Sarah dies @ 127 years old - CY 2085 Creation Year: 2085 Sarah Dies (Abraham's Wife) at 127 years old, Genesis 23:1-2. Isaac married Rebekah - CY 2088 Creation Year: 2088 Isaac married Rebekah, Genesis 25:20. Arphaxad dies - CY 2096 Creation Year: 2096 Arphaxad dies at 438 years old, (son of Shem, son of Noah), Genesis 11:12-13. Jacob and Esau are born - CY 2108 Creation Year: 2108 Jacob and Esau are born, Genesis 25:26, Genesis 47:28. Abraham dies - CY 2123 Creation Year: 2123 Abraham dies, at 175 years old, Genesis 25:7. Salah dies - CY 2126 Creation Year: 2126 Salah dies at 433 years old, (Son of Arphaxad, son of Shem, son of Noah), Genesis 11:14-15. Esau married Judith - CY 2148 Creation Year: 2148 Esau married Judith, Genesis 26:34. Shem dies - CY 2158 Creation Year: 2158 Shem dies, at 600 years old (Son of Noah), Genesis 11:10-11. Ishmael dies - CY 2171 Creation Year: 2171 Ishmael dies, at 137 years old, Genesis 25:17. Jacob works for Rachel - CY 2184 Creation Year: 2184 Jacob asks for Rachel's hand, but needs to work 7 years for her, Genesis 29:18-21. I know the following seems incredible, but if you count the age of Joseph and the age of Jacob when they went to Egypt it is amazing that Jacob was so old when he took Rachel and Leah, Jacob was 76 years old! Genesis 37:2-3. Eber dies - CY 2187 Creation Year: 2187 Eber dies, at 464 years old, Genesis 11:16-17. (The last of the long lived – yet they all died within a "day".) Jacob is tricked, marries Leah - CY 2191 Creation Year: 2191 Jacob is tricked and given Leah instead of Rachel, so he works another 7 years, Jacob marries Rachel a week later, but must work another 7 years for her, though they be married, Genesis 29:25-30. During these next 7 years all 11 sons and 1 daughter are born to Jacob! Here is a matrix of events.
Reuben is born to Leah - CY 2192 Creation Year: 2192 Reuben is born to Leah, Genesis 29:32. Simeon is born to Leah - CY 2193 Creation Year: 2193 Simeon is born to Leah, Genesis 29:33. Levi is born to Leah - CY 2194, dies CY 2331 Creation Year: 2194 Levi is born to Leah, Genesis 29:34. Judah is born to Leah - CY 2195 Creation Year: 2195 Judah is born to Leah, Genesis 29:35. Eight more children born over next four years - CY 2196 Creation Year: 2196 All the others were born during the next four years: in order, Dan to Bilhah, Naphtali to Bilhah, Gad to Zilpah, Asher to Zilpah, Issachar to Leah, Zebulun to Leah, Dinah (a daughter) to Leah, Joseph to Rachel, Genesis 30:25, Genesis 30:27-28, Genesis 31:41. Joseph is born to Rachel - CY 2199, dies CY 2309 Creation Year: 2199 Joseph is born, Jacob asks to leave Laban, but stays for the cattle for 6 more years, Genesis 30:25-34. Jacob stays and works for the cattle, Genesis 31:41. This is the year of Joseph's birth instead of the year before because he was before Pharaoh at 30 years old (Genesis 41:46) to interpret Pharaoh’s dream. The next year was the start of the seven years of plenty, then the seven years of famine. In the second year of famine, Jacobs goes to Egypt, stays there 17 years (Genesis 47:28) and dies there at 147 years old. 147 130 121 Jacob leaves Laban - CY 2204 Creation Year: 2204 Jacob leaves Laban after completing 6 years of working for the cattle, sheep, and goats, a total of 20 years, Genesis 31:41. Jacob's name is Israel - CY 2205 Creation Year: 2205 Jacob's name is changed to Israel, Genesis 32:28. Benjamin is born - CY 2212* Creation Year: 2212* *At some time, Benjamin is born and Rachel dies, Genesis 35:17-20. Joseph is sold - CY 2216 Creation Year: 2216 Israel made Joseph a coat of many colors. Joseph sold into slavery by his brothers at the age of 17, Genesis 37:2, Genesis 37:28. God blesses Joseph - CY 2217 Creation Year: 2217 God blesses Joseph and he works for Potiphar, Genesis 39:1-6. Joseph is made ruler of Potiphar’s House - CY 2226 Creation Year: 2226 Joseph is made ruler of Potiphar's house, Genesis 39:7-10. Joseph is jailed - CY 2227 Creation Year: 2227 Joseph is put into prison because of the lie of Potiphar's wife, but God is with him and helps him with interpreting dreams, Genesis 40:5. God shows Joseph the meaning of the dreams, and he asked the butler to remember him to Pharaoh, Genesis 40:14-15. Joseph is forgotten of for two years until the Lord gives Pharaoh a dream that needs interpreting. Isaac dies @ 180 years - CY 2288 Creation Year: 2228 Isaac dies at 180 years old with Jacob at his side, Genesis 35:27-28. Joseph before Pharaoh - CY 2229 Creation Year: 2229 Two years after being put into jail, Joseph is taken to Pharaoh to interpret his dream. Joseph is 30 years old when he stood before Pharaoh, Genesis 41:46. Seven Years of Plenty - CY 2230 Creation Year: 2230 So great did the Lord bless Joseph that he was ruler of all of Egypt save the throne of Pharaoh, Genesis 41:26-27, Genesis 41:39-40. Seven Years of Famine - CY 2237 Creation Year: 2237 Pharaoh's dream continues, Genesis 41:25-32. Jacob goes to Egypt to live - CY 2238 Creation Year: 2238 Jacob goes to Egypt to live at 130 years old, Genesis 46:6-11, Genesis 47:9, Genesis 47:28. Jacob dies @ 147 years old - CY 2255 Creation Year: 2255 Jacob dies at 147 years old, Genesis 47:28. Joseph dies @ 110 years old - CY 2309 Creation Year: 2309 Joseph dies at 110 years old, Genesis 50:26. Levi dies @ 137 years old - CY 2331 Creation Year: 2331 Levi dies at 137 years old, Exodus 6:16. Kohath, son of Levi, lived 133 years, but we have no reference as to how old his father was when he was born, Exodus 6:18. Amram, son of Kohath, lived 137 years, the father of Moses and Aaron, Jochabed was their mother, Exodus 6:20. Note: Moses was 80 when the Exodus took place, fulfilling prophecy as to Moses being the 4th generation of those strangers and afflicted and 430 years, Exodus 7:7, Genesis 15:16. The clock started with Isaac at 5 years old, when he was weaned and everyone rejoiced except for Ishmael who mocked the event. Sarah enraged asked Abraham to remove them from the family. God okayed it and they were thrown out. This was the start of the countdown. When Jacob went into Egypt because of the famine and God's blessing to Joseph, they were the "thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs" but when Joseph died, they "shall serve them; and they shall afflict them". The hard part to understand is the phrase then that follows - "four hundred years" - Genesis 15:13. In order for all scriptures to match, including the times given and the generations mentioned this must be the solution to the puzzle. The time mentioned was an all-encompassing time frame. Jacob was the stranger, Levi, Kohath, Amram and Moses were the afflicted - the 4 generations - fulfilling Genesis 15:16. Aaron is born - CY 2370 Creation Year: 2370 Aaron is born. The end year of the 430-years (The Exodus) minus 83 years, as Aaron was 3 years older than Moses, comes to this year, Exodus 7:7. Moses is born - CY 2373, dies CY 2493 Creation Year: 2373 Moses is born and hid. He lived 120 years. (42 years after the death of Levi), Genesis 15:12-16 - the promise is fulfilled, Deuteronomy 34:7. Joshua is born - CY 2413, dies CY 2523 Creation Year: 2413 Joshua is born, and lives 110 years, deduced by Joshua 14:7 and Judges 2:8. The Exodus - CY 2453 Creation Year: 2453 This year completes 430 Years from the Promise, Exodus 12:41. Moses is 80, Exodus 7:7. On 14 Nisan, that evening, the Passover. On morning of the fifteenth of Nisan they leave Egypt, 430 years after Abram's sacrifice and God's promise ("...the selfsame day..."). Please see Appendix I for a list of fast, feasts, and festivals. Though Josephus isn't one for accuracy, but in Book II, Chapter 15, para 2 he accurately states: They left Egypt in the month Xanthicus, on the fifteenth day of the lunar month; four hundred and thirty years after our forefather Abraham came into Canaan, but two hundred and fifteen years only after Jacob removed into Egypt. It was the eightieth year of the age of Moses, and of that of Aaron three more. They also carried out the bones of Joseph with them, as he had charged his sons to do. 6 Sivan 2237 (4 June 1524 BC, Julian) is the date it's believed the
10 Commandments were received. 2 So what makes this such an
important time? People err right off when they start to pick and choose
verses without taking them all into account. The Scriptures are 100%
God-breathed thereby important. However, one must ask the Holy Spirit
how to truly understand. If you read Exodus 19 you'll see that all of
the Law ( Torah The Scriptures are meant for one thing: point the reader to Jesus Christ.God is God and answers to no one. To understand Him is to be Him. What I mean is that God's will will be done and so He uses people to fulfill His will. Pharaoh was used to prove His power to the world; many died, yet in the grand scheme of things, God knows they would never accept Him but they're still used to do His will. Arrogant men don't like that thinking, but it's all Scriptural, Isaiah 45:7 and Isaiah 13:11. People who argue for sport are agnostic - the belief that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena. They have lots of knowledge but do not have the understanding or wisdom, which is something only the Holy Spirit can give. Funny! When you boil it all down, everyone believes something which requires faith in their beliefs. The Scriptures are nothing more than a map for those seeking. Depending on where you are depends on what part of the Scriptures speak to you. This is why the Scriptures are living - you can read a passage for 20 years and still learn from it, because the Holy Spirit is what makes the words come alive! Joshua is 40, Joshua 14:7. The Curse of 9 AvThe spies give an evil report, dishearten the people, and everyone
is forced to wander for 40 years, Numbers 14:33. The Mishna Numbers 14:1-10 just records the curse from the Lord and the revolt against Moses but not the date. This event started their 40-year wandering in the desert. Read about the amazing facts that happened on 9 Av throughout history in the Appendix B. The First PassoverExodus chapters 12 to 16 show that this day, 14 Nisan (also called Abib), was a Wednesday. The issue you must address when doing this is that you must start at the end and count back to the fourteenth of Nisan, which I’ll present in a calendar form after showing the chain of events. Exodus 12:6 states that on the fourteenth of the month Nisan, Israel
was to kill the Passover lamb, literally, "between the evenings" ( ה First, God changed the calendar so Nisan is the beginning of the year, Exodus 12:2. Next, every man shall take a lamb for his family on the tenth of the month, Exodus 12:3. The lamb will be kept until the fourteenth when it is to be killed in the evening, Exodus 12:6. The lamb must be eaten that night, nothing remaining until morning, Exodus 12:8-11. The "passing over" will take place at midnight on this night, the fourteenth, Exodus 12:12, Exodus 12:29. This day shall be a memorial for generations, Exodus 12:14. All leaven removed from the house and unleavened bread eaten for seven days, Exodus 12:15. The first and last of these seven days are Sabbaths, Exodus 12:16. Just to be clear on this point, this will be from the fourteenth until the twenty-first of Nisan, Exodus 12:18. Now I part from tradition. They did not leave in the middle of the night of the fourteenth, but left on the morning of the fifteenth, after the Passover and the Sabbath rest. Now this sounds contrary to movies, history books, even against the entire country of Israel. The truth of the matter is that man got involved and changed His most important day. In fact, it’s so important that if someone is not ready, for very specific reasons, to celebrate the Passover in Nisan, they can keep it in the second month, Iyyar on the fourteenth day of the month. No other feast can be repeated if missed: seems like a very important feast! Hezekiah kept the Passover in the second month because they could not cleanse the temple in time for the fourteenth of Nisan, Numbers 9:10-13, II Chronicles 30:15. The book of Numbers reiterates this date: Numbers 28:16 "And in the fourteenth day of the first month is the passover of the LORD." Even later in Deuteronomy, it spells it out even clearer: Passover on the fourteenth, then six days of unleavened bread, which started on the morning of the fourteenth, Deuteronomy 16:4, Deuteronomy 16:8. This cements the requirement to kill the lamb after the sun sets, Deuteronomy 16:6. After Joshua entered the land of Israel, they had their first Passover and the manna stopped, Joshua 5:10-12. Ezra kept the Passover on the fourteenth of Nisan when he arrived, Ezra 6:19 as well as Ezekiel, Ezekiel 45:21. The next time "Passover" is mentioned in scripture is Jesus’ last, Matthew 26:2. All these verses show that they are to kill the lamb on the fourteenth, after sunset, which is the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread! The Scriptures clearly show that the Passover lamb is to be killed after the sunset on the fourteenth of Nisan. Remember the date changes at sunset. Sometime between Ezra’s time and Jesus’ visit to the earth, the leaders of Israel changed God’s day from the evening of the fourteenth – the beginning of a day – to the next beginning of a day, the fifteenth. Remember the date changes at sunset. Today, the Passover is killed before sunset on the fourteenth, and then eaten on the fifteenth! Unbelievably, Josephus has the answer: What I would now explain is this, that the Pharisees have delivered to the people a great many observances by succession from their fathers, which are not written in the laws of Moses; and for that reason it is that the Sadducees reject them, and say that we are to esteem those observances to be obligatory which are in the written word, but are not to observe what are derived from the tradition of our forefathers. And concerning these things it is that great disputes and differences have arisen among them, while the Sadducees are able to persuade none but the rich, and have not the populace obsequious to them, but the Pharisees have the multitude on their side. 3 When I first read this, the first thing that came into my mind was Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof singing "Tradition!!!!! Tradition!!!" In fact, if you look up the word "tradition" in Scripture the first appearance is when the Pharisees ask Jesus why His disciples transgress the tradition of the elders, Matthew 15:2. We are warned about this: Colossians 2:8 "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." Now that we've established that the Passover is a Sabbath and the twenty-first day is a Sabbath, let’s reason this out. If the first day is a Sabbath (Passover), would God move them out of Egypt on the day of rest, breaking His own law not even a day after telling Moses what to do? Thus, I believe they rested the daylight hours after the Passover which is still the fourteenth of Nisan. After sunset, the beginning of the fifteenth, they began to pack up, the Egyptians were telling them to hurry up, and as Israel left in the morning of the fifteenth, the Egyptians saw Israel leave while Egypt buried their dead! The Egyptians even gave them spoils to Israel! Exodus 12:33-36. With 600,000 men (Exodus 12:37), their children, wives, any aged that survived, flocks and herds, simply cannot be put together in five hours! Yes, they left in haste, but they still had to pack up their belongings, get the spoils of Egypt, leaving the food preparation for last. Read scripture not Hollywood movies to get the truth. The First Passover was on a WednesdayNow I’ll show you how this first Passover was on a Wednesday. After sunset on the fifteenth, they packed up and left by morning - the actual Exodus - exactly 430 years after the night Abraham sacrificed unto the Lord for a covenant. "Morrow" is defined as "the next day", "the following day", or "the morning". Since the date changes at sunset, the "morrow" would have been the daylight hours of the fifteenth of Nisan! If you search for "how long is the Passover" you'll find two answers: seven days or eight days. The answers you will not get are six hours or eight hours. They treat the entire Feast of Unleavened Bread as Passover, all seven days, which also isn't right. You'll even find sources stating emphatically Passover starts on the fifteenth of Nisan! Willfully ignorant of the truth! Numbers 33:3 "And they departed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the morrow after the passover the children of Israel went out with an high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians." They went from Rameses to Succoth. The Egyptian army pursued them (the time isn’t given, but because the feast of Unleavened Bread is seven days, it’s an assumption that they are by the sea a week after the Exodus on 21 Nisan). Moses raises his hands in obedience to the Lord and the sea splits. By the next morning, Israel was in the Sinai. Moses took them three days into the wilderness where there was no water. Next, they went to the wilderness of Sin. Exodus 16:1 is our anchor day: Exodus 16:1 "And they took their journey from Elim, and all the congregation of the children of Israel came unto the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departing out of the land of Egypt." On this day (15 Iyyar), Moses explains that from now on it would
rain bread every morning and that each day they were to go and gather a
certain amount for that day. On the sixth day, they would gather double
the amount because there would not be any bread on the seventh day. So
that night (16 Iyyar) they received the quail and the next morning a
small round thing, they called manna See below for the calendar. Month of Nisan
Month of Iyyar
Now that we established that the first Passover was a Wednesday, (even with any calendar change because Nisan is always 30 days) we can see another parallel that Jesus accomplished. The only place, after taking the land, a Passover sacrifice can occur is in Jerusalem, Deuteronomy 16:5-6, I Kings 9:3. Moses dies @ 120 years - CY 2493 Creation Year: 2493 Moses dies, Deuteronomy 34:7-9. And the wandering years, 40 in all, are over and Joshua takes Israel into the promised land at age 80, Numbers 32:13. This happens 4 days short of 40 years, Israel enters the land of milk and honey, Joshua 4:19. References:
2 Talmud - Mas. Ta'anith 29b 3 Josephus, Ant 13. Chapter 10. Para 6.
Is Lord!!