The King of Kings Chapter 7 Jesus of Nazareth - CY 3970 Creation Year: 3970 Western Year: 7 BC John 1:1-5 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. Jesus the Christ is born, 15 Tishri 3755 Jesus the Christ is Born! The information presented here is not one of exactness, but one of thought; it is certain when Jesus died than when He was born. We know Jesus was born and we are given a lot of information about it. In the end, no matter what theories or ideas arise, currently there is no way to pick the exact date of the Messiah's birth. If you are given ten different pieces of the puzzle and you don't have a picture of the puzzle, you must have faith - faith that the information is presented in a logical way. It is not my desire to present more to God's Word, but to help us understand what the pieces can mean. I thought about leaving out this part of Jesus' life since I believe the Spirit has given me enough information without needing to include this portion. However, God chose to add it, and just as I said about adding to the Word of God, I do not wish to subtract anything either. Any theory that cannot accept all the pieces MUST be reexamined! So let's begin with the visit of the Angel Gabriel, Luke 1:23-27. Clue: Here it is the sixth month of Elisabeth's gestation that Gabriel visits Mary. After explaining how the Holy Spirit would come and overshadow her and she would conceive, the Angel tells her that her cousin Elisabeth is already six months pregnant with John the Baptist. Zachariah and Elisabeth are going to have a child, John. The name Zachariah means "God remembers"; Elisabeth means "God of promise/oath"; and John was sent to them, which means "God's grace"! God remembers His promise and sends His grace - a New Covenant! John is not just the fulfillment of Isaiah 40:3 but also of Jeremiah 31:31-33! John heralds the coming Grace! What a gem!! Glory to God for His mysteries (Proverbs 25:2)! Clue: John is conceived after the first week in Sivan, 3753 -
(May/June). John's parents were Levites (of the house of Aaron -
priests). In Luke 1:5 John's father Zacharias, was executing his office
of the lot Abia, Greek for Abijah, which in Hebrew means "My father
Yahweh". So what is Abijah? Well King David made a division of the
Levite priests into 24 (Please read Appendix
C). In I Chronicles 24:10 (also Luke 1:9) it says that Abijah's lot
was the eighth. What this meant was that twice a year, one week at a
time, beginning and ending on the Sabbath (II Chronicles 23:8 ), one
priest would execute the duties of his office. According to the Talmud Side note on the Dead Sea Scrolls' CalendarThere are many theories about when Jesus was born, but I would like
to address the use of the Dead Sea Scroll calendar (Essene calendar).
People are using the Dead Sea Scrolls to prove their version. Let's
say, for argument sake, that the Dead Sea scrolls are correct and the
priests' courses were consecutive and didn't break. They say that the
course of Jehoiarib was on duty (Ta'anith 29a) 4 the night the temple was destroyed in 70 AD (3830
4 Aug 70 AD). Counting backwards from that night, using the calendar
established by Hillel, we arrive at 28 Sivan, with many assumptions, a
3-week miss isn't bad compared to the dating system I'm using. There
isn't enough published information to use the Dead Sea Scrolls to know
exactly what day is exactly what. This is because the Dead Sea Scroll
calendar was only 364 days long. 5 From
3753 JY Even though the Essene calendar confirms my point, I choose not to
use it. The Talmud The fact that Zacharias' course had him in the Temple around the
feast of First Fruits (Shavuot He was tarrying because Zacharias had a visit from our messenger
Gabriel explaining how Zacharias would have a son and that his name
would be John, filled with the Holy Ghost even from within the womb.
Because Zacharias did not believe the angel, he was made dumb until the
time be fulfilled. After 7 Sivan 3753 JY After the 25th of Kislev Elisabeth would have been six months with child. So Gabriel could have visited any time after 25 Kislev, but before the 25th of Tevet (seventh month of Elisabeth). Since this study shows how amazingly the feasts of scripture point to Jesus, it's very fitting that the Lord would put "icing on the cake" having Jesus conceived during the Festival of Lights - Chanukah (25 Kislev-2 Tevet)!! Jesus is the light of men (John 1:4) and John was the witness of the Light (John 1:7). How very appropriate for Mary to go and be with John's mother Elisabeth in the sixth month and she herself being overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, conceived during the Festival of Lights! To further this wonder, this feast is also called the Feast of Dedication, where even Jesus participated by going to the temple one winter, John 10:22. Since Jesus is the Word of God, this is when God "Dedicated" His Son to us, like authors do in books where they dedicate their work to the reader! Now, Mary stayed with Elisabeth for three months (Luke 1:56-57) and made haste to go to Elisabeth after the prophecy of Gabriel (Luke 1:39) and when Mary met Elisabeth, Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost as promised by Gabriel, filling the babe even from the womb (Luke 1:15, Luke 1:44). Clue: Jesus' birthday. I believe it was 15
Tishri 3755 to tent or encamp, i.e. (figuratively) to occupy (as a mansion) or (specially), to reside (as God did in the Tabernacle of old, a symbol of protection and communion):-- dwell To tabernacle as in the Feast of Tabernacles - called Sukkot, which falls on 15 Tishri. In many monarchical countries, their royalty's birthday is celebrated. Why would the world come to Jerusalem on the Feast of Tabernacles (a festival for the Jews to remember the times spent in temporary "booths" during their travels through the desert for 40 years) Zechariah 14:16-17? However, "Sukkot is so unreservedly joyful that it is commonly referred to in Jewish pray and literature as Z'man Simchateinu, ... the Season of our Rejoicing." 7 This time of rejoicing is to thank the Lord for the harvest and His blessings. I believe that this certainly will be a time of rejoicing because during the millennium period when the world will see Jesus the Christ on the throne in Jerusalem! I believe this time is summed up in this verse: Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing. If Mary was impregnated during the Feast of Dedication (24 Kislev - 2 Tevet), for Jesus to be born on 15th of Tishri, He would have had a gestation period of 308 days or 44 weeks or 11 months. This is very possible since there was no way to induce labor back then. Today, doctors do not exceed 42 weeks and they induce labor because the normal gestation period is between 266 and 280 days (37 to 42 weeks). 8 My own father-in-law was a "donkey baby". The gestation of a donkey is between 10 1/2 months and 14 months. 9 He was born after exactly 44 weeks in the womb, hence the nickname. Obviously, this trip of Mary on a donkey for about 80 miles (62 as the crow flies) influenced the induction of labor. Nothing is an accident for God and I believe this took place just so Jesus could be born on the 15th of Tishri, the Feast of Tabernacles. The beauty of this is that on the 8th day from birth of Jesus He would have been circumcised. This day, 22 Tishri (counting the 15th), is called the Simhat Torah, 10 meaning literally "the rejoicing of the Torah." It is on this day that the rabbis in the synagogues take the Torah scrolls out of their places and dance with them as though the Torah had come to life - as if the Word of God came alive! Oh, how close they come to the truth! (II Timothy 3:7) This would also help understand that even though the census was called, why there would still be no room in the inn - all the mandatory visitors to Jerusalem for Sukkoth! I know that you are a bit confused. Some Jewish calendar facts need
to be established. Nisan is the beginning of the sacred calendar year,
Exodus 12:2. Tishri is the beginning of the civic calendar year (or
calendar of foreign kings). 11 You just
about need a slide rule, easel and charts to understand it all. This is
when I wrote my program,
which shows the serial day number (used by astronomers
Clue: Josephus was a historian just after the time of Christ (37 AD to c. 100 AD). He gives detailed accounts of events from Creation to his time. We all know of the story of King Herod in his immense insecurity tried to kill Jesus. So first, King Herod had to have died after Jesus was born. Josephus says that Herod died shortly after a lunar eclipse (that fell on a fast day) but before the Passover 12 (14 Nisan at sundown). I turned to NASA to get a list of all lunar eclipses during this
time-frame. Of course, they gave me all the information I needed except
if, in this list, the eclipses would be visible from Jerusalem. They
did provide a way to find out through a complicated mathematical
process, so I had to write another program to determine which eclipses
would be visible from Jerusalem. (At the time I started this study, the
programs like CyberSky didn't exist or were way too expensive for a
layman). Starting with a date of Herod's assumed death of 4 BC, I found
one eclipse, 14 Adar II 3757 Herod's last days were very perilous for everyone. So when the Magi [wise men] came inquiring about "He who is born King of the Jews" [Herod's title by the way], 13 Herod lost it. The Scriptures say that Herod ordered the scribes to find out what city this Child would be born. They told him Bethlehem [House of Bread - fitting for the Bread of Life (John 6:48)]. By this time, Jesus was in a house and no longer in the manger, Matthew 2:11. Paradigm One destroyed - no wise men at the manger. This is why Herod ordered to have all children two years and younger killed, Matthew 2:16. However, Joseph was warned in a dream (Matthew 2:13-15) to flee to Egypt (Hosea 11:1) from the wrath of a crazed man. The wise men were also warned when they left Jesus. A historian, Macrobius Saturnalia, wrote of Herod, When he heard that Herod king of the Jews had ordered boys in Syria under the age of two years to be put to death and that the king's son was among those killed, he said: 'I'd rather be Herod's pig than Herod's son.' 14 John 6:48 I am that bread of life. Now I am sure you are asking, why Joseph would stay in Bethlehem when he only went there for the taxation? (Luke 2:1) First, that is where Joseph was from, Luke 2:3. When he had to go, he had to bring Mary with him because if she gave birth while he was gone, the town's folk surely would have put her to death for infidelity. Remember Mary was pregnant before she and Joseph could consummate their marriage. Therefore, Joseph made Mary take the long hard trip to Bethlehem. All this God planned from the foundation of the world and nothing came as a surprise to Him. Again, I am sure you are asking again, how could Mary conceal she was 11 months pregnant? They did not wear skin-tight clothes back then, and I am certain Joseph made every precaution for the reason mentioned before. Since this was a taxation decree, Bethlehem had many visitors, so the inns were full. Jesus, born into a manger, humbled Himself for us (Psalms 113:5-6). Eight days later, they went to Jerusalem to have Jesus circumcised, Luke 2:21.
Astronomy Psalms 19:1-6 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. Wise Men Arrive - CY 3972 Creation Year: 3972 Western Year: 5 BC This time is estimated because we do not have a time reference except that Herod ordered the death of all children two years and younger, Matthew 2:16.
I depart from the norm when it comes to the "Star of Bethlehem". I
want you to think about this for a moment with me. During this year
there was a conjunction (on 15 Tishri 3755 The point I'm making is I don't believe the "star" of Bethlehem was
a physical star. Granted there could have been multiple comets, we just
don't know. I believe this "star" was the Glory of God. I know in the
Greek the word is "star" but in Hebrew, star is כ Then if the sun, which is but one of the countless myriads of the servants of the Holy One, blessed be He, shines on the whole world, how much more the Shechinah of the Holy One, blessed be He, Himself! 16 I believe that the Star of Bethlehem is the Glory of God that these Magis saw and followed it to Bethlehem. If you read Luke 2:9, it says the "glory of the Lord [the Shechinah] shone round about" the shepherds. This glory is only for the chosen. This is explicitly explained in the account of Jesus' baptism. John was the only one to see the Shechinah, Matthew 3:16-17. When you read the account in Matthew, these wise men went to see Herod to inquire where is He Who is born King of the Jews? (Matthew 2:2) Why did they have to ask if they were following a physical star? As you can see from the image of the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, they would have still been able to "see" it, up to a couple of months after the conjunction. Since they couldn't follow it, they asked Herod. Their inquiry troubled all of Jerusalem, because the Magi had a reputation of being kingmakers. So why did they bother to ask the sitting king if everyone could see these star? When, upon receiving the instructions from Herod to go to Bethlehem, they "saw" the star again. They followed it until " came and stood over where the young child was", (Matthew 2:9). I'm not a ship navigator, so I cannot refute the means the Magi used to travel by night, but I cannot see a star millions of miles away standing over where a young child was in a city. Finally, the issues with using programs like CyberSky to find events so far in the past, you run into the problem of repetition. Though the stars and planets can be used to pinpoint a time in history according to the constellations, to say that Venus in Leo is a sign of Jesus' birth, or the various conjunctions that happen every few years, you're left to ask, which one do you use? Virgo gives "birth" to the sun every October. Which "October" do I use? See what I mean? If I say an event will happen when Saturn and Jupiter are in conjunction in Pisces, with Pisces overhead, you might live to see it. Here's a sample list of dates there's a conjunction in this example: 113 AD, 53 AD (not too close), 7 BC, 66 BC (not too close), 126 BC, 742 BC. Though they are spread out, it's still repeated. So if the Magi had instructions as explicit as I mentioned, which one would they choose? This is why I believe they saw a star, but it was the Glory of the Lord - for them alone, to bring gifts specific to the upcoming needs of Joseph and Mary when they needed to flee from Herod. God will always take care of His own. One more thing on the Magi and where Jesus was when they visited: Jesus is born in a manger, Luke 2:7-16. But the Magi visit Jesus in His house, Matthew 2:11. Have you ever wondered why God would send these gifts? Because Joseph and Mary would need means to leave the country and reside in Egypt for the duration of time until "...they are dead which sought the young child's life." With the visit of Magi, they now had the means to survive while in exile. Herod orders children killed - CY 3972 Creation Year: 3972 Western Year: 5 BC Herod order all children two years and younger killed, Matthew 2:16, fulfilling Hosea 11:1. Herod dies, the Son is called out of Egypt - CY 3973 Creation Year: 3973 Western Year: 4 BC Herod dies Herod Antipas rules in his stead. Joseph is told he can return home, Matthew 2:20. Tiberius adopted by Augustus - CY 3980 Creation Year: 3980 Western Year: 4 AD Tiberius was adopted by Augustus (Octavius) and received tribunician power 17 and appointed chairman of the senatorial committee. 18 Jesus found in the Temple - CY 3983 Creation Year: 3983 Western Year: 7 AD(deduced) Jesus goes to the temple on His own at age twelve (just over five months until His thirteenth birthday), Luke 2:40-50. Rome converts the full land of Israel into a Roman province called Judea. 19 Tiberius made ruler of military - CY 3985 Creation Year: 3985 Western Year: 9 AD Tiberius won his military victory in Illyricum (Germany) in 9 AD he was made ruler over the military. Augustus grants the title "Imperator" and commander to Tiberius which was held only by Augustus himself. 20 Tiberius made co-regent - CY 3986 Creation Year: 3986 Western Year: 10 AD In 10 AD, Tiberius was made co-regent with Cesar Augustus 21, 22, so when Augustus died Tiberius wouldn't be rejected as ruler because he was not of the blood of Augustus. I know that this one entry will be challenged, but I say, which is more accurate, Scripture or history books? Something must give in order for all the pieces to fit together and since not all the historical facts on Tiberius are in harmony, I'll go with the two references above. Pontius Pilate - CY 3998
Creation Year: 3998 Western Year: 22 AD Pontius Pilate was the sixth Roman procurator of Judea 24 and under him our Lord worked, suffered, died, and rose again, as we learn not from Scripture only, but from Tacitus 25. According to Josephus Ant. XVIII 2. 2 and 4. 2, Pilate was appointed in the twelfth year of Tiberius, 22 AD, not 26 AD as reported. Even the authoritative encyclopedia's cannot agree and usually start with: "According to the traditional account of his life...". 26 Since so little is known about him, it's hard to pin a date on him. Those dates presented in books are a result of someone saying "it is so" and then it becomes de facto rather than authoritative. We know that Pilate was prefect and not procurator thanks to a well known discovery made by Italian archaeologist Antonio Frova in 1961. In the old provincial capital of Caesarea Maritima he found a damaged dedication by Pilate of a Tiberieum, which not only named Pilate [...]TIVS PILATV[...] but gave his title as [...]ECTVS IUDA[...] (praefectus iudaeae). It is now in the Israel Museum and Jerusalem. 27 Hence, Philo, Josephus, and Tacitus are guilty of an anachronism (the title, presumably, having been changed later to procurator during the course of his administration in Judaea); and the New Testament and Josephus' 'Antiquities' (18.55), which term him 'governor' (hgemvn), are more accurate... 28 End of 46th year (Temple) - CY 4001 Creation Year: 4001 Western Year: 25 AD (deduced) Herod's 46th year of building the temple, John 2:19-22. Josephus reports 29 that the temple
started being built in 23 BC (JY Here's the breakdown of 22 BC: Creation Year: 3955 The easy way: 22 BC (temple open for business) = 3739 Jewish Year JY 3739 + 46 = 3785 3785 = 25 AD. Jesus starts Ministry - CY 4001 Creation Year: 4001 Western Year: 25 AD Jesus' age point: Jesus baptized and started His ministry being about 30. This is the 80th Jubilee from Creation, Luke 3:21-23." The world will continue for six thousand years, the first two thousand of which were a chaos (Tahu), the second two thousand were of wisdom, and the third two thousand are the days of the Messiah...30 So if they were paying attention, they would have known Jesus was the Messiah. The people recognized Who He was. What kind of sign would a sign be if it were hidden? Matthew 12:22-23. "Son of David" - Messiah ben David - is the title given to the Messiah. But, there was another they taught: Messiah ben Joseph who they thought would be killed. How so very close they came! The rabbis taught: The Messiah b. David, who (as we hope) will appear in the near future, the Holy One, blessed be He, will say to him: Ask something of me and I will give it to thee, as it is written [Ps. ii. 7-8]: 'I will announce the decree . . . Ask it of me, and I will give,' etc. But as the Messiah b. David will have seen that the Messiah b. Joseph who preceded him was killed, he will say before the Lord: Lord of the Universe, I will ask nothing of Thee but life. And the Lord will answer: This was prophesied already for thee by thy father David [Ps. xxi. 5]: 'Life hath he asked of thee, thou gavest it to him.'" 31 John 6:42 And they said, Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? how is it then that he saith, I came down from heaven? Though they equated and spoke in this verse of the husband of Mary as the father of Jesus, Jesus indeed was the son of Joseph as in Messiah ben Yosef (Joseph) the suffering Messiah! (Just to clarify for those that still don't get it, Jesus is son of Judah, son of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham - the Lion of the tribe of Judah.) I mean even the blind knew Who Jesus was! Matthew 20:30-31 "...they cried the more, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David." 15th year of Tiberius - CY 4001 Creation Year: 4001 Western Year: 25 AD Tiberius ruled from 14-37 AD yet it is this year, year 25 AD that Luke says is his 15th year of reign, his co-reign which started in 10 AD. This is accurate as Tiberius took the co-regency in the year 10 AD + 15 = 25 AD. This fits perfectly with the almost 3-year ministry of Christ and Him dying in the year 27 AD! Furthermore, Pontius Pilate was the sixth Roman procurator of Judea, and under him our Lord worked, suffered, died, and rose again, as we learn not only from Scripture, but from Tacitus (Ann. xv. 44). Pilate was appointed in the twelfth year of Tiberius, 22 AD, not 26 AD as reported in modern books. This is shown as fact by the mention of him being the ruler of Judea in Luke 3:1 when Jesus was baptized by John in 25 AD. Furthermore, according to Wikipedia, the following dates are given for those spoken of in Luke 3:1
If this table is correct, then Jesus could not have died any later than 32 AD because John speaks of three Passovers with Jesus dying on the third. Lysanias' death in 29 AD plus 3 years (length of Jesus' ministry) is 32 AD and 14 Nisan of 32 AD fell on a Monday as well as 31 AD; so they cannot be used. Now, since Luke was counting from the start of Tiberius' co-regent (late 9 AD), the correct date for Jesus' ministry start would be 25 AD as I've indicated. Everyone's date now fits perfectly with Jesus' crucifixion on 14 Nisan 3787 (9 Apr 27 AD). I will show how this is accurate when we come to Jesus' death, burial and resurrection. End of day four - CY 4001 Creation Year: 4001 Western Year: 25 AD End of day four, beginning of day five, 2 Peter 3:8. This is the fourth time I've posted this passage, but what made me believe I had something special given to me, was after finding all the various dates, kings, judges, events, and such, I decided just to see how many "days" had actually passed. When I laid it all out, I was astounded, simply astonished, that the year Jesus started His ministry was at the very beginning of day five, after four thousand years of biblical history, Jesus started the age of the Messiah. Reading Hosea 6:1-3, here is a perfect example of the Lord telling us what was and will happen - to those "learned" Pharisees too - that the Lord would come, Israel would be destroyed, and after two thousand years He will revive them. And He did in 1948 and expanded them in 1967. Then in the third day, He will raise them up and dwell among them! Some historical facts: Aristobulus began to rule Jerusalem in 67 BC 32 and ruled for 3.5 years 33 until Pompey came and took control of Israel in which 12,000 Jews died 34. This was the beginning of the Roman rule. Hosea states "after two days will he revive us" and in 1938 the 2000 years ended. On 5 October 1938 Jewish passport are made invalid in Nazi Germany, 27 October 1938 Jews of Polish descent are expelled from Nazi Germany, and the infamous Kristallnacht occurred on 9 November 1938 where 91 Jews were killed, 1,400 synagogues were burned, and over 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps. 35 Jesus dies... - CY 4003 Creation Year: 4003 Western Year: 27 AD The Savior died for us! Matthew 27:50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 14 Nisan 3787 We know that Jesus died on the fourteenth of Nisan regardless how they kept the feasts. If the fourteenth were a Friday (which is possible), and if Jesus had died before sundown Friday, the women (Mark 16:1-2) could not have bought spices until the following Monday because of the Saturday double Sabbath (Passover and weekly) on the fifteenth (Saturday) and the Feast of Harvest on the sixteenth (Sunday) of Nisan. That alone rules it out, no matter what anyone says. Get any calendar and you'll see that the fourteenth of Nisan only falls on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday only! In the year 27 AD, 14 Nisan fell on Wednesday just like the first Passover and exactly when Daniel said it would be!!! Glory to God He provides the gems!!! With the establishment of 15 Tishri as a base period, we can also figure out and understand the events of Jesus' death. Luke 3:23 says that when Jesus started His ministry He was about 30 years old. As we can see from Luke 3:21 Jesus was baptized and went into the wilderness for 40 days where He was tempted by the devil. Having died to His flesh (Romans 8:8-9) Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, taught in the synagogues of the region. When He made it to Nazareth on a Sabbath, He entered the synagogue where He grew up (Luke 4:16) and read from the scriptures Isaiah 61:1-2, however, He stopped half way through verse two because the judgment day was not yet come. He told them concisely, Who He was, the Son of God. This was not by accident because Jesus didn't ask for the scroll, but was given to Him. (Luke 4:17) This happened in the month of Heshvan according to the Triennial
Cycle when the Haftorah (ה Paradigm number two - Jesus died before reaching His 33rd birthday. The Scriptures only reveal that Jesus celebrated three Passovers after this point, and on that last one, was murdered. Here's a small time table:
How can Jesus have celebrated the Passover and still be the Passover Lamb?Exodus 12 sets the rules for the Passover. Take the lamb and set it aside on the tenth day of the first month (Exodus 12:3), Nisan. On the fourteenth, at evening (Exodus 12:6), the lamb is to be slaughtered, roasted whole, and then eaten in haste, with bitter herbs and unleavened bread (Exodus 12:8!). Leviticus is not so precise in its instructions, and Numbers recounts the actual activities of the first Passover. Therefore, you must understand that by Jesus following the letter of the law as He told Moses to do in Exodus 12 and Due 16, He had to have the Passover on the fourteenth - a full 23 hours before everyone else! The rabbi's, over time, distorted the truth and they celebrated the Passover on the wrong day all the way to the days of Jesus! This is why Jesus kept the Passover a day before the Pharisees did. This is also why the accounts of the Gospels seem to be contradictory - John accounted the whole story of Jesus' last days, that the Jews keep the Passover on the fifteenth of Nisan after sunset not the fourteenth! During my travels, I befriended a Jew from Israel. He invited my family and me to participate in the Seder Meal (Passover), and being Americans and circumcised (Exodus 12:48), we accepted. I was invited because I asked my friend which day they keep the Passover, he said the fourteenth at night, and I said, "But doesn't that make it the fifteenth?" He said "Yes". He didn't think anything of it. Jesus' last Passover was precisely on the evening of 14 Nisan 3787 I Corinthians 5:7-8 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. The Feast of Unleavened Bread starts at Passover! Read the original account, the fourteenth of Nisan to the twenty-first of Nisan! Here is where the Pharisees got it wrong. They misinterpret Numbers 28:16-17 and Leviticus 23:5-6. They're reading that the seven days start with the fifteenth, meaning they should eat the Passover (the feast) on the evening of the fifteenth because it was to happen after sunset, totally blowing off what Exodus 12 commands. The Passover meal is to be eaten with unleavened bread and this is why they lumped it into actually being eaten on the evening of the fifteenth. This isn't a contradiction, but a misunderstanding of the truth because of tradition. This explains how the Lord can keep the Passover and yet still be the Passover Lamb on the same day! Today's Rabbinical belief system is the same Pharisaical as in Jesus' time. Only Karaite Jews take the Old Testament literal. Rabbinical Jews hold to tradition above the Word of God! There is a really great video on the differences as explained by a Karaite Jew. Just keep in mind he's not a Christian. Consequently, John shows that only Jesus and His disciples had already celebrated Passover. It's always man that changes God's commandments. Jesus kept the commandment as He had given it to Moses. Jesus was presented at 6 am, rejected by the Jews, and led away to be crucified. At 9 am, He was put on the cross, Mark 15:25. At noon all darkness fell on the whole land until around 3 pm when Jesus gave up the ghost. (This is not an eclipse of the sun because the earth was between the moon and the sun!) Now since the Pharisees taught 39 that the fourteenth of Nisan is Passover and the fifteenth is a Sabbath, the guards went along to break the legs of those crucified to expedite their death because the Sabbath (Passover) was coming. Again, these verses state that it is the day of preparation and that it was a High Day as opposed to a normal Sabbath. Paradigm three smashed - Jesus couldn't have died on a Friday and remained in the tomb for three days and then have Mary and the others come "after the Sabbath" to anoint Him, which had already been done on the eighth of Nisan, if you remember, by Mary, John 12:3! Notice that John 19:31-37 speaks of the general populace as "the Jews" so as not to include himself in that group. John is pointing out that there is a difference between the beliefs of Jesus and those of the establishment. So many wonderful prophecies fulfilled in these verses of John. Not only does it mention the ones about not a bone being broken, Psalms 34:20, and His side being pierced, Zechariah 12:10, but that the sacrificial lamb was not to have a broken bone, Exodus 12:46!
This image is a view of the star map at 3pm in Jerusalem on 14 Nisan 3787 The sun is in the constellation Aries - the Ram - the Sacrifice! (Genesis 22:8) This is also the seventh of the twelve zodiac signs. In Hebrew, Aries is called Taleh meaning "The Lamb". In Syriac it's called Amroo meaning "Lamb of God". (John 1:36) The named stars in Aries are Al Sheratan meaning "The bruised" or "The wounded" and another is El Nath meaning "wounded" or "slain" and finally Mesartim (Sharatan in Hebrew) meaning "The bound". 40 Why does this matter? I Chronicles 16:31 Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice: and let men say among the nations, The LORD reigneth. Psalms 8:3-4 When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? Psalms 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Psalms 89:5a And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD: Furthermore, Jesus also had to die in Jerusalem in order to be the Passover Lamb! Deuteronomy 16:2 Thou shalt therefore sacrifice the passover unto the LORD thy God, of the flock and the herd, in the place which the LORD shall choose to place his name there. Six days before the Passover, Jesus entered Bethany, John 12:1. Jesus was anointed by Mary, John 12:3. Five days before the Passover, Jesus enters Jerusalem, John 12:12. He then went and hid Himself, John 12:36, fulfilling Exodus 12:3! This means that Jesus entered Jerusalem on the ninth of Nisan and hid Himself on the tenth of Nisan! Jesus died at the same time as all the lambs were being killed for the Passover. At sunset their Feast of Unleavened Bread started. But why unleavened bread? They left Egypt in haste before the bread was leavened, Exodus 12:33-34. Here's another parallel; Jesus said He is the Bread of Life, John 6:48. Unleavened bread is bread without leaven (yeast) - without life. Since Jesus died at the time of the killing of the Passover lambs, the Bread of Life was dead - unleavened! Another parallel is that yeast represents sin, 1 Corinthians 5:6-8, so it is to be removed during Passover, Exodus 12:15, 19, and the bread without yeast is unleavened, just like Jesus is without sin so the Bread of Life when dead was Unleavened Bread! The Lord is very meticulous and cares deeply for details so no one can say His work is not the work of God! With scripture filled with duality verses and parallels, it is not a stretch to believe that Jesus also died on a Wednesday. More on that later in the book. According to what attested by the Dead Sea
Scrolls, Rosh hashonoh The day 14 Nisan is the day when the sacrifice for the Passover is slain. It was on this day that Jesus was presented by Pilate at 6 am [sixth hour Roman Time - not Jewish] to the crowd to free a prisoner. John 19:14 And it was the preparation of the passover, and about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King! [Emphasis added] Here is the breakdown of the events of Jesus' last week. Wednesday Crucifixion - Nisan
SummaryThursday 8 Nisan - Jesus is anointed by Mary for His death, though she may not have known that, John 12:3. Saturday 10 Nisan - Jesus has separated Himself from the people, John 12:36 , Exodus 12:3 . Tuesday 13 Nisan - Jesus tells them to prepare the Passover meal. Think about Jesus' ministry. He didn't have a house to lay His head. Therefore, He prophesied, the Spirit prepared and they all celebrated the correct day of the Passover, Matthew 26:17. Wednesday 14 Nisan - The lamb is killed after sunset, and they have the Passover at the appropriate and correct time! They go to Gethsemane and Jesus is arrested. Jesus is tried early in the morning before dawn, brought before the people by Pilate at 6 am - Day of Preparation for the Pharisees' Passover. Jesus is crucified at 9 am, noon the sun is blackened until when Jesus gives up the ghost around 3 pm and is put into the tomb hastily because the sun is going to set within the next couple of hours and that starts the Passover Sabbath. The Lamb of God had been sacrificed just like all the lambs that very day for that night's Passover! Thursday 15 Nisan - Feast of Unleavened Bread - bread without yeast [life] - because the Bread of Life had died!!! - High Sabbath according to the Pharisees; also the day the Pharisees asked to have the tomb sealed because they knew of the promise of His resurrection, but thought His disciples would steal the body, Matthew 27:62-63. Friday 16 Nisan - Feast of Harvest - then with a few hours to prepare for the Sabbath that starts at sunset, Numbers 28:26, Leviticus 23:10-12. Saturday 17 Nisan - Typical Weekly Sabbath - from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown using Western dating system. Sunday 18 Nisan - the day Jesus is raised from the dead any time after sundown at the end of the Sabbath on Saturday night. Three days and three nights, Matthew 12:40, in the tomb. Mary and the others go to the tomb on the first day of the week, Sunday, and realize that Jesus is risen, Matthew 28:1, Mark 16:2, Luke 24:1, John 20:1. Daniel's ProphecyOk, so you're still not convinced, that's fine. Remember, I mentioned that I went through the whole Bible to find any reference to a date. Well that study, completed after this one, gave me another confirmation of Jesus' date of His death. It comes from Daniel 9:25-26. Ezra is the source to finding this date. In Daniel's 70 weeks of 7 years (490 years), the Messiah would die 69 weeks of 7 years or 483 years later, that is clearly in scripture, as you can see. The understanding of when this series of years starts is "... going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem..." When did this occur? Well let's start with when the first Jews from Babylon returned to Israel to "rebuild the temple". Cyrus gave a decree for the Jews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild their temple. Josephus says that Cyrus read the book of Isaiah and saw that he was mentioned as the chosen one to rebuild God's house. Cyrus was so moved by Isaiah 44:28 that he made the decree in 538 B.C. [year 3223 in Jewish calendar], which was his first year of reign as King of Babylon. In Ezra 1:1, he was already King of Persia from 559 B.C. Ezra and Nehemiah counted the people, which came to 42,360 Jews, 7337 servants, and 245 singers, totaling 49,942 souls left Babylon, Ezra 2:64-65, Nehemiah 7:66-67. Very few considering the number that went into captivity. So with the decree they went back to Jerusalem to start building the House of God - not the city, so this decree isn't the one from Daniel, Ezra 1:3. The adversaries of Benjamin and Judah hindered the Jews until the second year of the reign of Darius I, 519 B.C. At this time all work ceased, Ezra 4:24 . By the leadership of Haggai and Zechariah, the work resumed and the rulers of the area wrote letters to King Darius to make them stop and to verify their claim to build the House of God by Cyrus' decree. Well it was found to be true and Darius made a decree not to hinder the work, Ezra 6:1-12. Again, this decree is for the House of God alone, so this too isn't the decree of Daniel prophecy. Finally, the temple was completed in the sixth year of Darius (515 B.C. [3246]) on the third day of the twelfth month, and in the following month they kept the Passover. Ezra 6:15, Ezra 6:19. King Artaxerxes, in the seventh year of his reign (457 B.C.),
authorized Ezra the priest and scribe, and all who wished to join him,
to go to Jerusalem. It was Ezra's desire to instruct the Jews in the
laws of God. Artaxerxes granted him large amounts of silver and gold to
furnish the temple, and gave instruction that his treasurers on that
side of the river should provide whatever was needed to beautify the
Lord's house. In the decree, Artaxerxes commanded Ezra to "set
magistrates and judges, which may judge all the people that are beyond
the river, all such as know the laws of thy God; and teach ye them that
know them not. And whosoever will not do the law of thy God, and the
law of the king, let judgment be executed speedily upon him, whether it
be unto death, or to banishment, or to confiscation of goods, or to
imprisonment." Ezra 7:25-26. Ezra left on 1
Nisan 3304 Nehemiah's story begins in the 20th year of Artaxerxes' reign. Nehemiah was praying that the Lord would give Nehemiah favor in the King's eyes so that Jerusalem would be restored. God granted his desire and Artaxerxes gave Nehemiah leave to go and build Jerusalem. Although the text wording would make this decree the decree of Daniel, this one really was just a reaffirmation of the one given to Ezra, which we do not have the wording to, but we know it was to not only beautify the Temple, but to build the city. This was clearly understood to be an authorization for the full reestablishment of Jerusalem and the Jewish nation. Shortly after this the enemies of the Jews wrote to the king complaining that "the Jews which came up from thee to us are come unto Jerusalem, building the rebellious and the bad city, and have set up the walls thereof, and joined the foundations", Ezra 4:12. That the walls had been completely set up was obviously an exaggeration, as Ezra 4:13 reveals. Yet this incident shows that for the first time there was actual work being done to rebuild the city. This had not been the case under the previous decrees. King's yearsSomething that must be understood in understanding a statement like "in the seventh year of his reign" is that to the Jews, the first year of a king's rule isn't the completion of 12 months, but in the completion of the first calendar year. That is, if a non-Jewish king took office in April, the completion of his first year wouldn't be until 20 months later. This is why, if you decide, and you should, to verify my dates with encyclopedias and history books, you'll find that some say that Artaxerxes' reign started in 465 B.C. and others will say 464 B.C. - it depends on how the "year" was counted. Accordingly, the first year of Artaxerxes' reign is both 465 B.C. AND 464 B.C. as his accession year. That means that some books are counting from the calendar year (from April to April in our example, 12 months) and others count as the Jews and Babylonian's did (from April to the second December - 20 months). From our decree time of 1 Nisan 3304 + 483 years = 3787, exactly 483 years, 13 days later, Jesus died on the cross for His people. Daniel 9:26 , "And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off..." When you look at all the precedence and the facts, it is so awesome to make such a discovery like this. I am so very grateful to the Lord for this. All glory and honor are His!!!! Third day since...Luke 24:21 But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel: and beside all this, to day is the third day since these things were done. Since Jesus was crucified on Wednesdaya about 9 am to 3 pmb, c and now it was Sundayd just before sunsete. Not counting the three hours of Wednesday, at 6 pm it changed to Thursday and you have the start of day one, at 6pm Friday, the start of day two and 6 pm Saturday the start of day three. Since their conversation was before sunset Sunday, it was still "third day since these things were done." a 14 Nisan - day of preparation; Luke 23:54 & John
19:42 Now you say, "What about the sign of 3 days and 3 nights" (Matthew 12:40)?
The hard part to remember is that the "day" changes at night, sunset. This also helps us to understand how the women could go and buy spices "after the Sabbath" (Mark 16:1) and yet go before sunrise Sunday to the grave to anoint Him (Mark 16:2). The time from 6pm to - who knows - some shops may have opened to let those folks who needed stuff buy before going to bed. The times for sunrise and sunset for April 10 is 5:17 am and 6:04 pm. So that Jesus died Wednesday only to have the day change in 3 hours to me seems of no importance in the "day/night" count. Finally, Jesus becomes our Passover Lamb! John 11:55 And the Jews' passover was nigh at hand: and many went out of the country up to Jerusalem before the passover, to purify themselves. 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the Earth Matthew 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. On the third day He rose from the dead I Corinthians 15:4-6 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After being seen by over 500 people after His death, and telling them that the time of coming of the Kingdom was not theirs to know, He ascended to heaven. Acts 1:6-11 When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. Jesus Raises!!! - CY 4003 Creation Year: 4003 Western Year: 27 AD Three days later, Jesus raises from the dead!! Matthew 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. I Corinthians 15:4-7 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. Acts 1:9-11 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. References:
2 3 4 5 Dead Sea Scrolls Calendarby Shari Freeland 6 7 8 9$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex598 10 11 Rosh HaShana 3a - 12 Josephus Book XVII, Chap. 6, para. 4 & 5 and Chap. 9, para. 3 13 Josephus Book I, Chap. 14, para. 4 14 Macrobius Saturnalia (trans. P. Davies), Book II, Chap. 4 15 16 Sanhedrin 39a - 17 18 G.P. Baker, Tiberius Caesar Emperor of Rome, (New York: Cooper Square, 2001), 126-127 19 H.H. Ben-Sasson, A History of the Jewish People, Harvard University Press, 1976, page 246: "When Archelaus was deposed from the ethnarchy in AD 6, Judaea proper, Samaria and Idumea were converted into a Roman province under the name Iudaea." 20*.html#6.4 21*.html#21 22 New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia, 23 (Image) Pilatos Y Astorga: Tras la Pista de una Pretendida Conexion Historica, 22/Argutorio n0 20, 1er Semestre 2008 24 Strong's Concordance on "Pilate" 25*.html#44 26 27 Jerry Vardaman, "New inscription which mentions Pilate as "prefect"," Journal of Biblical Literature81.1 (March 1962): 70-71 28 Flavius Josephus Revisited: the Man, His Writing, and His Significanceby Louis H. Feldman, NY, NY 29 Josephus, Antiq. 15:38-425; Wars, 5:184-247 30 Volume VIII. (XVI.)--Tract Sanhedrin. Part II.--(Haggada.) Chapter XI 31 Babylonian Talmud, Book 4: Tracts Pesachim, Yomah and Hagiga, Chapter V 32 Josephus, Antiq. 14.4.1 33 Josephus, Antiq. 14.6.1 34 Josephus, Antiq. 14.4.4 35 36 Triennial cycle, 37 38 39 Talmud Ta'anith 17b note 12 states: "There was also a dispute between the Pharisees and Sadducees with regard to the fixing of the date of Pentecost. The dispute turned on the interpretation of the words, ????????? ????????? ("day after the Sabbath" - Lev. XXIII, 15). The Pharisees took the view that the 'Omer had to be brought on the second day of Passover', while the Sadducees maintained that these words meant the morrow of the first Sabbath of the Passover week and from that day forty-nine days had to be counted to Pentecost." 40 The Zodiac Decoded Interpreted and Authenticated by the Sacred Writings, Doctoral Thesis, Sep 4, 1987. Christian Training Center Inc. 41 VERMES, Géza. A qumráni kozosség és a holt-tengeri tekercsek torténete. [ The Dead Sea Scrolls. Qumran in Perspective., London: SCM Press Ltd, 1994.] Budapest: Osiris, 1998. [In Hungarian] [Emphasis added]. Quote from "A CONCISE CHRONOLOGY OF BIBLICAL HISTORY" by Balázs Fényes OR-ZSE Budapest 2008, pg. 29. Highlighted for emphasis and corrected spelling of "should" and "declaration". 42 CyberSky 4.0 (used to be NASA, but they removed the pages with this information) 43 The Hebrew calendar has had three forms: (1) Biblical times: the first form, dating from the time before the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 C.E. by the Romans, was a calendar based on observations; (2) Talmudic times: the second form, in effect during the Talmudic period (about 10 B.C.E. to about 500 C.E.), was based on observations and calculations; and (3) Post-Talmudic times: the third form, was based solely on calculations that defined rules for a calendar initially described in full by Moses Maimonides in 1178 C.E. From 70 C.E. to 1178 C.E, there was a gradual transition from the second to the third form, with more and more calendrical rules being adopted over that period. The rules that were developed attained their final form either before 921 C.E. or before 820 C.E. However, because the modern luni-solar Hebrew calendar had to add extra months to synchronize itself with the Christian solar calendar, starting with three consecutive years that were given extra months in the 2nd century C.E. according to the Talmud, the modern Hebrew calendar cannot be used for determining Biblical dates because new moon dates may be in error up to four days and months may be in error up to four months. 44 Eleven hours cannot be accounted for in scripture 6:23pm - 5:23am except Jesus rose during this time. Scripture does not say when He rose, only that He wasn't there prior to sunrise when Mary arrived and found the tomb empty.
Is Lord!!