Ascension to the Ending Age of the Gentiles

Chapter 8

Non-Biblical Events From Here On

The rest of this book simply shows events as they happened since Jesus ascended to heaven.

Second Temple Destroyed - 9 Av  - CY 4046

Roman Coin Showing Judea Captured

Roman Coin Showing
Judea Captured1

Creation Year: 4046 Western Year: 70 AD

This destruction of the second temple took place on 9 Av 3830 HelpDefinition4 Aug 70 AD2, exactly 656 years to the day since the destruction of the first temple.

The Romans minted coins at this time to "celebrate" their victory. The inscription says "Judea Captured" in Latin. During this time, the land wasn't referred to as Israel, but Judea or Galilee, depending on if you were talking about the north or the south.  

Judea was renamed Palaestina by the Romans and Jerusalem was renamed Aelia Capitolina. After destroying the Temple, the Romans built a temple to Jupiter in its place. The Latin name for Jerusalem was the premise for the Arabic name for the city - Iliya.

So let's examine what the Jews really lost in 70 AD.

  • The Temple
  • The capital, Jerusalem
  • The land - haEretz
  • The biblical names to these sites
  • Being scattered for so long, the language (however, it's accepted that before this time they most likely spoke Aramaic, Latin, Greek and very little Hebrew)
  • The weight of measurement - the Shekel
  • By 135 AD, the last of the army destroyed

These must be restored in order for the end to come. The beauty of this is according to scripture, they all will be restored, and the best, they all have been restored! (To be explained in the timeline they occurred).

Read these verses:

Daniel 9:26-27 "And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate."

We've already discussed the first part of verse 26, but I want to bring to you attention the importance of the second part: "...and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary..." Because Titus was the one in charge when the temple was destroyed, many equate this with him being the "prince" and thereby the "people" being Romans. The truth of the matter is the "prince" is the antichrist, not Titus. Therefore, where will the antichrist come from? First, Josephus states that Titus had no desire of destroying neither the city nor the temple.3 Hearing that the temple was on fire, he ran to the site with his commanders running behind him, and after them legions of Roman soldiers.4 It almost reads comical! Titus gesturing and yelling for the men to put out the flames, the soldiers completely ignored him and "neither any persuasions nor any threatenings could restrain their violence, but each one's own passion"4 Roman soldiers were renowned for their stiff obedience, yet these were blatantly disobedience.

Tacitus states that Titus went to Judea and found three legions there, left by Vespasian.

To these he added the 12th from Syria, and some men belonging to the 18th and 3rd, whom he had withdrawn from Alexandria. This force was accompanied by ... a strong contingent of Arabs, who hated the Jews...5

As you can see, the real soldiers, who were uncontrollable, even to the point of beatings, were Arabs. Every word in the Scriptures is important. In these verses, we see the Holy Spirit use the word "prince" and the historian Tacitus uses the word "Prince". They do not mean the same person and I believe that is why today, so many pastors and authors use Rome as the seat of power for the antichrist. I remember when the European Union grew to ten nations and everyone started with "this is it, Jesus is coming!" The word "prince" used by the Holy Spirit was referring to the antichrist; Tacitus used it to refer to Titus. Scripture says that "he", the "prince", will confirm a covenant for one week. From this, we understand that the antichrist will sign a treaty with Israel for seven years.

This is important because in order to understand the prophecies about the antichrist and the end times, you must know from where the antichrist comes from. Scriptures speak of "the Assyrian":

Micah 5:5-6 "And this man shall be the peace, when the Assyrian shall come into our land: and when he shall tread in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seven shepherds, and eight principal men. And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof: thus shall he deliver us from the Assyrian, when he cometh into our land, and when he treadeth within our borders."

Isaiah 10:24-25 "Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD of hosts, O my people that dwellest in Zion, be not afraid of the Assyrian: he shall smite thee with a rod, and shall lift up his staff against thee, after the manner of Egypt. For yet a very little while, and the indignation shall cease, and mine anger in their destruction."

The three verses prior in Micah speak of the prophecy of the Messiah's birth in Bethlehem. As you can see, it is the Messiah Who will fight the Assyrian and lay waste the land of Nimrod also. Since Jesus didn't do this during His first visit, we know this will occur in the last days. The land of Nimrod was in Babylon, Iraq. The original land of Assyria was from Babylon, to southern Azerbaijan, to eastern Turkey. Today, the indigenous people called the Kurds call this land Kurdistan.

When the antichrist comes to power, it may be that the three nations that are overcome by him will become the Gog and Magog of Ezekiel 38 and 39.

Daniel 7:20 "And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows."



File:Kingdoms around Israel

~830 BC7



Daniel's Statue

Daniel's Statue8

Isaiah 34 and 63 speaks of how the Messiah will take vengeance on Edom and Bozrah, the ancient capital of Edom. Today, Edom is Jordan. Ezekiel 25 speaks how the Messiah will destroy Ammon and Moab, which are also part of Jordan. Joel 3 speaks how the Messiah will deal with Zidon and Tyre, which is Lebanon today, and the coast of Palestine, which is Gaza today. Balaam, the cursing prophet, spoke on this wise in Numbers 24:14 "...come therefore, and I will advertise thee what this people (the Hebrews)shall do to thy people (The Midianites)in the latter days." Midian is hard to point out, but it is outside of Egypt so it is my opinion that it's the extreme western part of Arabia and southern Jordan along the eastern shore of the Sea of Aqaba (See "Median" image). Ezekiel 30 shows that Egypt, Libya, and Ethiopia will also be destroyed. These verses in Ezekiel have a dual message - past and yet future.

Now if the antichrist and the false prophet were to come from Rome, why would the Messiah devastate all the kingdoms and nations mentioned above, including all those of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar when He returns? In almost every Old Testament book, any nation marked for destruction is currently Islamic. Up until September 11, 2001, Islam was not well known to the West and sadly, most Christians are completely ignorant to their beliefs. This lack of knowledge is a direct result of why pastors for 400 years believed the false prophet is the Pope, and the antichrist is to be a European. A key to understanding if we are indeed in the end times is the unlocking of the book of Daniel when you read it with the eye on Islam. Christians, not patient enough in years past, have been led astray with this Roman false teaching of the end times, a tactic of the devil to deceive and misdirect the followers of Jesus Christ. Now that the West is at war with Islam - though they do not yet know this - the books have been unsealed for us to understand the truth.

Catholics: Jesus is the Son of God
Islam: Jesus was a prophet and will return with the Mahdi to tell the Christians they got it wrong - God has no son
Catholics: Jesus will return to rule the world
Islam: the Mahdi will come, kill all Jews and Christians and all non-Muslims, and rule the world
Catholics: Used to burn their victims at the stake
Islam: beheads their enemies, even today (Rev 20:4)
Catholics: changed the calendar to match Jesus' birth
Islam: wants to implement Shariah law and use the Islamic calendar (Dan 7:25)
Catholics: woman are free to be and do whatever they want [except be a priest]
Islam: woman are nothing to be concerned with and are half brained and have no rights (Dan 11:37)
Catholics: no military
Islam: 1 billion believers if we conservatively pick 10% that's still 100 million ready to die to defend their beliefs
Catholics: no military
Islam: 700 million just in the 10/40 window of which 200 million could be raised in no time if the Mahdi (their messiah) says "come and march on Jerusalem" (Rev 9:16)
Catholics: Do not want the Mark of the Beast
Islam: looks forward to the Mark of the Beast which rises up out of the desert to make all true Muslims glow (this is a Muslim forum talking about the Mark of the Beast - FYI the dejjal is the word they use for the Muslim Antichrist, meaning Jesus the Christ - 9

The task of the Beast will be to distinguish the believers from the non-believers, with Prophet Moosa's [Moses] staff it will draw a line on the forehead of every believer whereby his face will become bright and luminous and with the ring of Sulaman [Solomon] it will seal the nose of every non-believer where by his whole face will become black.

"But Rome split into the two legs", so did Islam: Sunny and Shi'ite (Egypt/Saudi and Iran) (Dan 11)
"But Rome ruled the middle east", not all of it and only for ~400 years, whereas Islam ruled it all for ~1600 years
"But Rome was built on 7 hills", so was Mecca 10 (Rev 17:9 KJV)

Revelation 17:1-2 "... the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication."

The waters are many people and nations. Even at really big events we say "a sea of people". What nation hasn't adjusted their convictions for oil? In May 1908, a British investor11 succeeded in drilling for oil in Iran, and so the great whore was born. Engineers from the United States, commissioned to drill for water, ended up creating Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, because everywhere they drilled, they got oil. Dhahran was born to support the vast number of American employees and they created the American Oil Company (Aramco).12 The Middle East is not the place just for oil, but gold, precious stones, and the only place to still get natural pearls (Bahrain).

Revelation 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

Use Scripture to interpret Scripture. Daniel 2:34-35 says "The stone became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth" - the Stone is the Messiah and His people fill the earth. A "mountain" is specific people.

Revelation 17:15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

As you can see, the waters are the people of the earth. The mountains are specific kingdoms or in this case the seven kingdoms wherein the ten kings come from. As indicated before, these are all the kingdoms that ruled over Israel in her history. When the Messiah comes and rules the earth His kingdom will "fill the earth". Again, since every war fought by the Messiah when He comes is against an Islamic nation, the beast is Islam – and the history of it bears this out in the seven kingdoms which have always been the enemy of Israel. Again, this beast rises up out of the "sand of the sea", Mecca, the unified tribal beliefs into the religion of Islam, by using the Scriptures and twisting everything in it to create the religion of Islam. If you don't understand that the Scriptures are a Middle Eastern collection of Holy Spirit-inspired books, you'll miss the truth.

Revelation 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

John was taken to the wilderness where the antichrist arises out of the beast (Islam) and causes all those that would not worship Islam to make war and overcome them. Blasphemy is written on all the heads. The second beast (the antichrist) speaks blasphemous things. The antichrist unifies Islam and causes anyone who refuses to worship Islam to die by the sword. No other religion beheads their enemies today. With everything the Muslims do is done in the "name of Allah" what greater blasphemy is there than that?

To the Lord God of Israel, everything about Islam is blasphemous. They worship a man (Muhammad), a meteorite in Mecca (in the "wilderness") they call the "Black Stone", and their god (Allah) is clearly Satan. Muhammad took the Scriptures and turned it inside out to become the Quran. I don't know how much more blasphemous a religion could be! As to the seven heads, they are seven kingdoms that John prophesied on later in verse ten, and the ten horns are kings: five are fallen, one is, and one is yet to come.

Now the seven mountains are seven kingdoms of people. This is shown in Revelation 17:9 and Ezekiel 34:6.

Daniel 2:35 (KJV) Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.

Seven Kingdoms, Ten Kings

The five fallen kingdoms that once ruled over Israel are:

Egypt 1 King - 1 Kingdom
Assyria  1 King - 1 Kingdom
Babylon 1 King - 1 Kingdom
Media-Persia 1 King - 1 Kingdom
Greece 4 Kings (Alexander's four generals) - 4 Kingdoms, Daniel 8:21-22

One is (at the time of John's writing):

Rome 1 King - 1 Kingdom

One is not yet come (at the time of John's writing):

Islamic Caliphate 1 King - 1 Religious System of varying Kingdoms, 610 AD 13

The ten horns were/are the leaders. When Greece's leader died (Alexander) his kingdom was divided amongst his four generals14 so in the Lord's count, Greece gets a count of four because the empire of Greece did not remain whole, Daniel 8:21-22. Rome has many "kings" but they were still only one system. Islam, though a non-unified group of nations, they were the kingdom "yet to come", they came, and now they are not, but their Caliphate will re-emerge. The Caliphate ruled Islam from Muhammad 622 AD to March 1924 and was abolished.15 With the increase of Islam throughout the world, one day soon the Caliphate will return to power and have control over 1.57 billion Muslims.15

Revelation 17:11 "And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition."

Now I'm going to deviate from the norm concerning Rome. In Daniel's statue, the bronze belly and thighs are Greece. What people forget is that this "Roman leg" division happened at the "thighs" of Greece, with its division into the East and the West. At the knees, the body splits off into two bones - the tibia and the fibula. I believe the western leg was the political Roman system until the knees. The division into two bones became the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox systems. The eastern leg is Islam, and at the knees, divides into Sunni and Shia systems. All these groups "pray" on their knees.

The eighth king comes from the seventh kingdom and it is this eighth king that will go into perditionHelpDefinitionEternal Danmation - hell. The sixth kingdom was Rome, so the seventh to rule over Israel was Islam, 15 therefore the eighth kingdom will be the rise of Islam. The Caliphate is the seat of power for all Islam, a ruler who is like a president, a general, and a spiritual leader. The position is inclusive. The first Caliphate was Muhammad in Medina, Arabia around 630 AD. After his death, there were successive Caliphates, but in the end, Islam split into the Shi'a and Sunni belief systems that still thrive today.15 The Caliphate ended in March 1924 with the creation of the secular Turkish government after the abolishment of the Ottoman Empire. Hence, the feet of clay - so mixed and weakened without purity of beliefs. In fact, in Hebrew, "arab" means "mixed people". Someday soon, the Turkish people will elect a Sharia government, which will reinstate the Caliphate. In an excellent article in the Hudson New York, Steven Simpson writes in his article Turkey: Islamism's Consequences for the West,

For now, Turkey, still a powerful member of NATO, and still presumably a friend of America, teeters between East and West. A 'neo-Ottoman' Empire -- like a 'neo-Czarist' Russia that appears in the making -- is something that America, the West, and Israel, should take seriously. In the Middle East, the past is never forgotten and never forgiven. The future in the Middle East often consists of the merging of the present with the past. The West might therefore be well advised to prepare for the day that a once pro-Western secular Turkey no longer exists. The once "sick man of Europe" of the 18th and 19th centuries has now become the 21st century "strongman of the Middle East." While the secularist Kemalist ship is sinking in the Straits of the Bosporus, the neo-Ottoman Islamist ship of Erdogan is docking at the port of Istanbul.16

Revelation 17:12-13 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

Now if there's anything I learned about Scripture, it's that many verses have a double meaning and these ten kings are not just from the statue of Daniel, but are future kings which will surrender everything to the antichrist and his Caliphate. These kings will destroy the whore and make her desolate: what better way to attack the West then via the oil. Verse 18 states that this is a great city - Babylon, Iraq. It will be rebuilt. So why would these Islamic nations destroy Babylon and the Islamic system and the oil?

Daniel 11:36-38 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.

As you can see, the antichrist will rise to power and then do what he wants - especially when he's fooled the world by his power. "And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast..." (Rev 13:14a) Notice in the verses of Daniel above, the antichrist will neither regard the God of his fathers - Abraham via Ishmael - nor regard the desire of women (won't listen to their pleas because in Islam, women are second-class people). Who else in the entire world today beheads (Revelation 20:4) their enemies? Islam! The antichrist (Satan possessed) will declare that he is God, yet he will honor the god of forces (Daniel 11:38) - violence, military, and terrorism. Babylon may or may not be rebuilt to the opulence it once had, but from Daniel's statue, the starting place of Islam's history to its very end of history, when destroyed, will come full circle.

With the birth and growth of Islam, and their pure unifying hatred of Israel, these ten kings and the antichrist, in war with the West, destroy the lifeblood of the West's economy - oil. A great military strategy. Nevertheless, their end is destruction:

Daniel 2:34-35 Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.

Daniel 2:45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.

Jesus Christ comes from heaven to earth (the Stone) to destroy those who have attacked His own. Notice that the statue: the iron, clay, brass, silver and gold are broken "together". Not only will the world marvel at the head that was wounded and brought back (the Caliphate) but the enemies throughout all of history of Israel in one new kingdom, the antichrist's kingdom, will be destroyed. Who is it that is destroyed? Throughout Scripture, they are all today Islamic countries. His garments will be dyed in blood of His enemies (Isaiah 63)! Jesus Christ comes to set up His one thousand-year reign! Glory to God! What a time that will be! Please see Appendix L for some discoveries concerning Revelation 13:17 "...the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

Jerusalem plowed - 9 Av - CY 4047

Creation Year: 4047 Western Year: 71 AD

The Roman army plowed Jerusalem with salt in 9 Av 3831 HelpInformation25 July 71 AD17

Jewish revolt ends - 9 Av - CY 4111

Creation Year: 4111 Western Year: 135 AD

The destruction of Shimon Bar Kochba's army in 9 Av 3895 HelpInformation5 Aug 135 AD18 The last of the Israeli army is destroyed.

End of day five - CY 5001

Creation Year: 5001 Western Year: 1025

End of day five, beginning of day six.

II Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

First Crusade - Av - CY 5071

Creation Year: 5071 Western Year: 1095 AD

The First Crusade, declared by Pope Urban II, began when his preaching throughout France, in July 1095 (Av 4855), stirred up the populace.19 This ignited violence against the Jews and some have deemed this as the first holocaust.20 Though this evil occurred, the number of Jews killed before the Crusades reaches Jerusalem are not recorded, but accounts added up can lead one to believe that the number could reach five to ten thousand.21

England expels Jews - 9 Av - CY 5266

Creation Year: 5266 Western Year: 1290 AD

Edward I of England expelled all of the Jews on 18 July 1290 AD (9 Av 5050)22

 "Pressured by his barons, the Church and possibly his mother, he announced the expulsion of all the Jews. By November 1, approximately 4,000 had fled, mostly to France. The Jews had to pay their own passage. They were allowed to take movables (i.e. clothing). A number of Jews were robbed and cast overboard during the voyage by the ship captains. The Jews did not return to England until 165923. This was the first national expulsion of the Jews. (England was one of the only centralized and national monarchies of that time.)"24

France expels Jews - 10 Av - CY 5282

Creation Year: 5282 Western Year: 1306 AD

1306 July 22, PHILIP THE FAIR (France) Expelled the Jews from his lands after arresting all of them (on the day after the 9th of Av) and confiscating their property. Most Jews went to the next Duchy. Gradually, they were allowed to drift back.25

Spain expels Jews - 8 Av - CY 5468

Creation Year: 5468 Western Year: 1492 AD

Spain, by the Alhambra Decree26, expelled all of the Jews by 31 July 1492. On the 1 August 1492 AD, the day before 9th of Av (9 Av 5252), the Jews who didn't leave were being round up and forced into Catholicism.

Ottoman Rule over Israel - CY 5493

Creation Year: 5493 Western Year: 1517 AD

From 1517 to 1917 the Ottoman Empire ruled over Israel and land flourished. The Ottoman Empire was the seat of the Islam Caliphate - a form of government over the people, regardless of national boundaries. Turkey was indeed the last caliphate, and was abolished on March 3, 1924.27 Today, from Pakistan and India to Iran and Saudi Arabia, they wish to re-establish the Caliphate. In September 2010, the people of Turkey voted to adjust their constitution, which puts their secular government at risk of remaining secular. If you understand Scripture, you know that this is part of the end times. Turkey will increase their influence on the region.

King James enthroned - CY 5579

Creation Year: 5579 Western Year: 1603 AD

James I is crowned King of England. Contrary to slanderous charges, he was a Godly man who translated his own private versions of the books of Psalms and Revelation (not included in the King James Bible). The work of Sir Francis Bacon flourished in the court of King James. Bacon rejected28 the pagan philosophy of Aristotle, and greatly advanced science through his system of inductive methodology, thus paving the way for modern science and technology. False charges of impious behavior against James I are attributable to viscous rumors spread by his political enemies. The king survived an assassination attempt by Catholic Jesuits in the failed "Gunpowder Conspiracy".

King James commissioned Bible - CY 5580

Creation Year: 5580 Western Year: 1604 AD

King James I of England commissioned the translation of a new English Bible on July 22. The guidelines stated:

That a translation be made of the whole Bible, as consonant as can be to the original Hebrew and Greek; and this to be set out and printed, without any marginal notes, and only to be used in all churches of England in time of divine service.29


I am an American. This statement is an extremely privileged one. The poorest of us are still richer than the majority of the rest of the world. America grew from nothing to the sole superpower in record time. Her fall may be just as fast. That is because she is forgetting her God, Psalms 9:17. I love my country and this is why our society's evil grieves me so.

Periodically I will present events in America that I feel are turning points in our existence. First, I believe that God brought us forth to do great and mighty things in and for the world; but it is my firmest conviction that America was born to assist in the birth of another country - Israel - to set in motion the needed events for the beginning of the end times. Still, there is another force at work, that abhors what the Almighty does, and this evil (the devil), brought two great evils to America: destruction to the American Indians and slavery to our shores. Today, the devil is busy working on removing God from our history books, and what God did for America, while maligning the founders of The United States of America.

Jamestown was christened - CY 5583

Creation Year: 5583 Western Year: 1607 AD

May 14, 1607, Captain John Smith christened Jamestown, Virginia.30

The Spanish had already colonized some of South America, certainly visiting it long before the English. Yet, none of the colonies really flourished in the new world until the English planted a colony at Jamestown and in Massachusetts. Much of this has to do with the way the English conducted their business practices. Landholding was an important part of English society - the more land you owned, the wealthier your standing in society.

English merchants had eclipsed their Spanish and French rivals in preparing for successful colonization through adoption of the joint-stock company as a form of business.31

Because it was a joint-stock venture, if the colony failed, the stockholder would only lose what he invested and the company would survive, which limited the loss of investments thereby lowering the risk to investors.

Stability of the state, the rule of law, and a willingness to accept new or foreign ideas ... proved vital to entrepreneurship, invention, technical creativity, and innovation.31

The first year was terrible for the colonists with new infirmities and no established substance they lived off the land. Barely a third survived the first year and Capt. Smith took control in 1608 and declared, "He who will not work will not eat,"32 quoting from the Scriptures, II Thessalonians 3:10. Although this tough stance allowed many to survive, once the colony started to flourish, they tired of Smith's military reign and deposed him. With the means to support even the laziest of colonists, forced labor was no longer needed so they turned to a new activity - private land ownership. "The application of private enterprise, combined with the introduction of tobacco farming, helped Jamestown survive and prosper..."33 The marriage of the local chief's daughter, Pocahontas, to John Rolfe helped seal a permanent peace treaty with the Indians.

King James Bible complete - CY 5587

Creation Year: 5587 Western Year: 1611 AD

King James (KJV) Bible published - sanctioned for Church of England worship services, although neither church nor government banned the use of other Bibles. The KJV gained immediate popularity among the common people of all fundamentalist congregations and came to be called the "Authorized Version" (AV). It was simply referred to as "the Bible" or the "common English Bible" until modern times, and powerfully spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the globe. It took seven years to translate, Psalms 12:6.

Most English speaking people do not understand the depth of influence the King James Bible has on their everyday language. There are a lot of words and phrases that we use day to day that come straight out of the bible. Here are a few examples:

  • can't get blood from a turnip - God required a blood sacrifice, yet Cain offered his vegetables - Genesis 4:2-5
  • don't miss the boat- Genesis 7, the Flood of Noah
  • quit babbling- Genesis 11:7-9, the tower of Babel
  • holy cow- Exodus 32:8, the molten calf that Aaron made
  • scapegoat- Leviticus 16:6-10, when one of the goats is set free, the other is sacrificed
  • cheer up- Deuteronomy 24:5, when a man marries a woman, he's not to go out to war for a year, so to cheer her up
  • apple of his eye - Deuteronomy 32:10; Psalms 17:8; Proverbs 7:2; Zechariah 2:8
  • don't know if he's coming or going- I Kings 3:7, Solomon's comment to God
  • that's heavy- I Kings 14:6, bad news
  • she's gone to the dogs- I Kings 21:19-23, God's judgment on Jezebel
  • seeing is believing - II Chronicles 9:6; John 20:25, which also comes doubting Thomas
  • postman- II Chronicles 30:6, the man carrying posts and letters throughout Israel
  • lay me down to sleep- Psalm 4:8, a children's prayer and should be a prayer for adults too!
  • shoot off your mouth- Psalm 64:3-4, speak before you think
  • spare the rod, spoil the child- Proverbs 13:24
  • money talks- Ecclesiastes 10:19
  • a little bird told me- Ecclesiastes 10:20
  • seeing eye to eye- Isaiah 52:8, unity in idea
  • half-baked- Hosea 7:8
  • hog wild- Mark 5:13, when Jesus cast out the Legion of demons into the herd of swine
  • won't lift a finger to help- Luke 11:46, speaking of lawyers
  • he came to himself- Luke 15:17, when the prodigal son came to his senses
  • go jump in the lake- Revelation 20:15, when those that don't believe will be cast into the lake of fire

The translators did not want to beguile people with their translation if a word did not exist in the original language, so they added them in order to make the English grammar or meaning correct and they would italicize the words. It is my personal belief that the Lord blessed England because of this book and allowed it to be spread literally around the world. At one point in Great Britain's history, the sun never set on the empire. However, because they forgot God (Psalms 9:17) they forgot the people of the Word and treated them badly after World War II. This ill treatment of the Jews is the direct reason Great Britain's empire is no more. Even within the borders of their island nation, they are divided, with Scotland re-establishing their parliament after 291 years.34 Today, they arrest pastors for preaching the Good News. Dropping off leaflets at a "gay" parade in Cardiff, England, Stephen Green was arrested and "... was held in a police station for four hours and was charged with using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress after he refused to accept a caution from the force's Minorities Support Unit."35 The charges were later dropped, but he was still arrested. Harry Hammond, a preacher in Bournemouth, England, was arrested and convicted of harassment for waving a sign calling homosexuality a sin.36 The sad part was that Mr. Hammond was attacked and beaten by a mob for his sign, and yet he was the only one convicted. This is clear harassment and it is starting in the United States as well.

Virginia Company offers land in the New World - CY 5593

Creation Year: 5593 Western Year: 1617 AD

"Any freeman who migrated to Virginia could obtain a grant of one hundred acres of land."37 This allowed for the great expansion of Virginia, in part thanks to the demand for tobacco back in Europe. Tobacco farming methods at the time spoiled the land so new farms had to be created and the desperate need for laborers. This started a trend of "indenture servitude". This was indiscriminant to race. After an appointed time, the servant would fulfill their debt and many where given land by the owners to use as their own land. This is a perfect example of "For the love of money is the root of all evil" (I Timothy 6:10). Their desire of money, lead to the vice of tobacco, which lead to indentured servitude, which lead to full-blown slavery! If you research any wrong, you will trace it back to the "love of money".

Anthony Johnson - First Slave Owner - and the Pilgrims arrive in the colonies - CY 5596

Creation Year: 5596 Western Year: 1620 AD

One such "indentured servant" was Anthony Johnson in the Virginia Company. Mr. Johnson came to America in 1621, as a slave, and sold to a planter named Bennet to work on his Virginia tobacco farm.38 After saving money, he bought out his contract, was set free and given his own land to work. He had approximately 250 acres of land and had indentured servants of his own. One of those servants, John Casor, also an African, ran away from Mr. Johnson. Caught, he was taken before a judge where Mr. Johnson laid out his case against Mr. Casor and won the judgment. Mr. Casor's sentence was to be Mr. Johnson's "indentured servant" for life - effectively making Mr. Casor the first true slave in Virginia and Mr. Johnson, the first documented slave owner.39 This verdict, in 1654, effectively and officially established the evil called slavery in America until Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, 209 year later. Even worse, it took until the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to cease the injustice on a people.

Also this year, the Pilgrims arrive in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Taking advantage of the joint-stock business practice, the Pilgrims allowed non-separatists to join them to Virginia. Leaving England on the Mayflower, 65 colonists and 35 Pilgrims set sail. Blown off course, they found themselves at Cape Cod Bay in an area called Plymouth by John Smith. Seeing that they were not in Virginia, 500 miles away, they remained on board until they decided on what they were going to do. Not having a charter for Plymouth and not wishing to offend the King of England should they stay, they drew up a document emphasizing their allegiance to King James, and to renounce any claim they were attempting to declare themselves independent.39 This document, known as the Mayflower Compact, spelled out that; in the Name of God, for the Glory of God, and the advancement of the Christian Faith, they "... by virtue hereof to enact, constitute and frame such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the Colony, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience."40

Due to their inspiration, the Massachusetts Bay colony formed, electing John Winthrop as governor, Cambridge educated, an attorney, wealthy, and a staunch Puritan. He took his position seriously and upon arriving in America, he preached a sermon to those on the eleven ships that sailed with him, "Wee must Consider that wee shall be as a City upon a Hill, the eyes of all people are upon us."41 By 1640, they had grown to over ten thousand because of the continued restocking and funding by the stockholders in England. They succeeded in keeping the labor force full where the southern colonies had failed even with indentured servants. Sadly today, the only thing people remember about the Massachusetts Bay colony, are the Salem (Anglicized word for the Hebrew word Shalom meaning Peace) witch trials. It ended as quickly as it started, yet it is the single most remembered event from the period; another example of the success in removing "God" from our history books.

The single most key to the success of the pilgrims occurred because the majority of them died the first two years in the new land. During this time they were forbidden to own land; they had to use the law of commons. The law of commons is based on the idea that everything belongs to everyone - just like communism! No one owned anything, so no one put their all into anything they did. As a result, they became lazy because why should one work if everyone is working. Some would also go out and pick the crops too early, stealing really, so they would have more than the others, which caused a shortage to both the thief - who picked smaller units without much nutrition - and the colony - because the quantity was less. This all changed when William Bradford allowed the colonists to own parcels of land and made everyone plant according to their own needs. It was so successful that the next harvest, they had so much they invited the Indians - the first thanksgiving.

This is the basis of America's success: God's blessings to the hard working individual and the rule of law of private property. When someone owns something that they know is theirs, they will take care of it. That's why the colonists did so well from then on and why America became the richest nation on earth and why older countries never fared as well as America.

John Bunyan pens... - CY 5654

Creation Year: 5654 Western Year: 1678

"The Pilgrim's Progress" penned by John Bunyan

This book is writ in such a dialect, As may the minds of listless men affect: It seems a novelty, and yet contains Nothing but sound and honest gospel strains. John Bunyan, 1678

In Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, Bunyan describes his conversion as coming when he heard "three or four poor women," sitting at a door, "talking about the new birth, the work of God in their hearts, and the way by which they were convinced of their miserable state by nature. They told how God had visited their souls with his love in Christ Jesus, and with what words and promises they had been refreshed, comforted, and supported against the temptations of the devil." From these pious women Bunyan learned to despise sin and to hunger for the Savior. Later, while passing into the fields, he recounts, "This sentence fell upon my soul, 'Thy righteousness is in heaven'...for my righteousness was Jesus Christ Himself, the same yesterday, today, and forever." He then said his "chains fell off," and he went home rejoicing. In 1655, Bunyan was called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was arrested in 1660 for preaching without a license from the Anglican Church, charged with "teaching men to worship God contrary to the law." He was in jail more than twelve years, during which time he could have been released if he would have agreed to compromise on certain points in preaching the Gospel.
His most well-known work, The Pilgrim's Progress was written in the Bedford jail. During Bunyan's lifetime there were 100,000 copies of it circulated in the British isles, besides several editions in North America. It has been translated into more than 120 languages. Bunyan's remarkable imagery was firmly rooted in the Reformation doctrines of man's fallen nature, grace, imputation of righteousness, justification, and the atonement—all of which Bunyan seems to have derived directly from Scripture. He became one of the most influential authors of the seventeenth century. Few in history have left such a wealth of Christ-centered writings."42

Final printing of AV 1611 - CY 5745

Creation Year: 5745 Western Year: 1769 AD

Final typographical corrections made to King James Bible for mass printing.

Haym Salomon - CY 5748

Creation Year: 5748 Western Year: 1772 AD

Text Box: From USPS.comHaym Salomon (1740-1785) was an astute merchant and banker and succeeded in accumulating a huge fortune, which he subsequently devoted to the use of the American Government during the American Revolution. For example, he negotiated all the war aid from France and Holland, endorsing and selling bills to American merchants.

He was the paymaster-general of the French military forces in the early times of the United States. It is asserted that more than $100,000 he advanced was never repaid. He lent the young United Sates government about $600,000, and at his death about $400,000 of this amount had not been repaid. This was irrespective of what he had lent to statesmen and others while performing public duties and trusts. Jacob Bader Marcus wrote in Early American Jewry that the sum owed to Saloman was $800,000.

Solomon came to New York in 1772 and joined the Sons of Liberty. He was a brilliant financier and one of George Washington's personal friends. In 1776 he was captured and sentenced to death by the British, but he bribed his jailer and escaped to Philadelphia. It was during this period of incarceration where he contracted tuberculosis.

During the American Revolution, Solomon went to France and raised an additional 3.5 million British pounds from the Sassoon and Rothschild banking houses and families. He spoke eight languages. When Solomon was in France, he passed himself off as a French diplomat.

In 1975, the United States Postal Service printed a stamp in his honor.

From Wikipedia43, so please read more about this great, sadly unknown, American hero.

America is born - CY 5752

Creation Year: 5752 Western Year: 1776 AD

America is born, July 4, 1776 (17 Tammuz 5536)

FAST OF TAMMUZ 17 (17 Tammuz) - A day of fasting commemorating the breach made in the defense wall surrounding Jerusalem in 586 BC. This led to the capture of the city, the destruction of the Temple by the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar, and three weeks later, the exile of the Jews to Babylonia. Tradition also says that this is the day Moses destroyed the first tables of stone because of Aaron's and Israel's sin.44

Washington D.C. Burns  - CY 5790

Creation Year: 5790 Western Year: 1814 AD

During the War of 1812, (1812-1815) the British military attacked Washington D.C. The best known of these destructive raids was the burning of public buildings, including the White House, by Admiral Sir George Cockburn and General Robert Ross. The expedition was carried out between August 19 and August 29, 1814. On the 23rd, a doctor invited the commanders in for a meal. After they left for their campaign, they were attacked. They blamed the doctor and took him to their ship as a prisoner. On the 24th, the inexperienced American militia who had collected at Bladensburg, Maryland to protect the capital were soundly defeated, opening the route to Washington. President James Madison was forced to flee to Virginia, and American morale was reduced to an all-time low. In an act of defiance, Dolly Madison, the first Lady, prepared a meal for the advancing army, complete with the best dishes. While the army feasted, she made off with the portrait of the first president, President George Washington. When they finished eating, they torched the President's home. Later the building was whitewashed to cover the scorched marks on the outer walls and pillars resulting the famous naming of the building - the White House.45

During this time of great sorrow, the Lord came to Washington's rescue. While the British where burning all the public buildings a hurricane hit extinguishing the fires. Because of the hurricane, a tornado formed right over the British army killing more than the Americans could.

The British also attempted to attack Baltimore by sea on September 13, but were unable to reduce Fort McHenry at the entrance to Baltimore Harbor. On September 12, a young lawyer went to the command ship to request the release of his doctor friend. Having secured his friend's release, he found they could not leave because they knew of their whereabouts. As a result, from the deck of the command ship, watching the defense of the fort inspired the American lawyer Francis Scott Key to write a poem that became "The Star-Spangled Banner," the national anthem of the United States. Mary Pickersgill had sewed an oversized American flag in anticipation of the British attack on the fort commissioned by the fort's commander. Today that very flag hangs in the American History Museum in Washington D.C.

I can't help but see the hand of God in all of this and the single verse that comes to mind is Isaiah 37:35 "For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake, and for my servant David's sake." I know that this is talking about Jerusalem, but even Haym Salomon believed that the U.S. was destined to save or aid in a future Israel. He was one of the most influential financial help to the U.S. in its war of Independence.

Birth of Zionism - CY 5873

Creation Year: 5873 Western Year: 1897 AD

The birth of Zionism as a political movement began on 29 August 1897 (1 Elul 5657), a Jubilee HelpDefinitionA Jubilee is a year-long celebration, celebrating the 50th year of a count. and nine months later, Israel is born. The irony is not lost.

World War I Declared - 9 Av - CY 5890

Creation Year: 5890 Western Year: 1914 AD

World War I is declared on the ninth of Av, 1 August 1914 (9 Av 5674)

Russia mobilized for World War I and launched persecutions against the Jews in Eastern Russia three days before 9 Av 5674. Of the population, 13% were Jewish and considered traitors and spies and were taken hostage in order to prevent spying. Finally, in 1915 they were forced to leave Galicia, Austria, and banned Yiddish.46

General Allenby enters Jerusalem - CY 5893

Creation Year: 5893 Western Year: 1917

In 1917 the Balfour Declaration was signed by the British Empire. Exactly one Jubilee HelpDefinitionA Jubilee is a year-long celebration, celebrating the 50th year of a count. later, Jerusalem becomes a united city! Another Jubilee HelpDefinitionA Jubilee is a year-long celebration, celebrating the 50th year of a count. later, Israel surrenders Hebron to the Palestinians in 1997.

General Allenby enters Jerusalem on 11 Dec 1917, the first day of Hanukkah. Please see the year 1948 in Chapter 9 for some amazing facts.

Eretz Israel - 10 Av - CY 5905

Creation Year: 5905 Western Year: 1929

10th of AvHelpInformation16 August 1929

The first of the 1929 anti-Zionist riots, which prompted the British to further restrict Jewish immigration into Palestine, began on August 16 1929 -- the Tenth of Av.47

On 10th of AvHelpInformation16 August 1929 Jews at the Western Wall in Jerusalem defied a rule requiring them to stand rather than sit while praying. Enraged, Arab rioters first targeted Jewish residents in Jerusalem and then in Hebron, where gruesome murders were the norm.48

A fateful day in August 1929 marks the birth of the modern Arab war against the Jewish people", Edwin Black48

WWII Started - CY 5915

Creation Year: 5915 Western Year: 1939

 Do you really think if I stopped selling weapons, people would stop killing each other? Killing is human nature. That's why we keep getting better and better at it.
Numb3rs: Arm in Arms

I find it funny that a powerful truth presents itself in the form of a television show. I'm not against war, when it's right and noble. Yet, since Abel was murdered, man has not found a way to keep from killing but has pursued ways to kill efficiently. According to the Congressional Research Service, the following information49 shows how many U.S. military deaths have ocurred since the birth of America:

War U.S. Military Deaths
Revolutionary War (1775-1783) 4,435
War of 1812 (1812-1815) 2,260
Mexican War (1846-1848) 13,283
Civil War (1861-1865) (Union Forces Only) 364,511
Spanish-American War (1898-1901) 2,446
World War I (1917-1918) 116,516
World War II (1941-1946) 405,399
U.S. History Soldier War Deaths

Another site50 showed that 618,000 died in the Civil War, counting all war casualties.

However, the most amazing fact is when you count all deaths, in the twentieth century alone:51

War & Dictators Total Deaths
World War II 72 Million
World War I 65 Million
Vietnam "Conflict" 5 Million
Korean War 3.5 Million
Cambodia's Khmer Rouge 3 Million 52
China's Mao Ze-Dong 40-70 Million 53
USSR 14 million through the Gulag with upwards of 20 million deaths in all, not including famine 54
Due to the harshness of the USSR 5-10 million starved, plus the 5 million forced famine of Ukrain.
Other Conflicts 18 Million55
20th Century Deaths Totaling 180 million due to war and dictatorships.

Yet the most startling statistic on VOLUNTARY death is over 54.5 million 56 performed since 1973 just in the United States of America - abortion!

Scriptures (Revelation 9:15) state that in one event a third of the world would die - since we have over 7 billion57, that'll be 2.3 billion within a 7-year period!

Warsaw Ghetto - 9 Av  - CY 5918

Creation Year: 5918 Western Year: 1942

On 8 Av 5702HelpInformation22 July 1942, the Germans began a systematic liquidation of the Ghetto, deporting Jews to extermination camps at the rate of six to ten thousand per day. Deportation started on 8 Av. Over 64,000 Jews were transported to Treblinka in July.58 By autumn there were only 40,000 Jews left in Warsaw. Just to top it off, 500 mental patients were killed on this day in Kobierzyn (Poland).59

Warsaw Ghetto Cleansed - 9 Av  - CY 5919

Creation Year: 5919 Western Year: 1943

By early 1943, the Jews refused to cooperate with the Germans and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising began. Renewed attempts to start deportations were answered with reprisals.60

3 Josephus, Wars of the Jews, VI, vi, 2.
4 Josephus, Wars of the Jews, VI, iv, 6.
5 Tacitus, Book 5, 1.
20 Riley-Smith, The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading, p. 50.
21 &
22 &
25 &
29 [Dr. Laurence M. Vance Publications]
31 A Patriot's History of the United States, by Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen, USA, Sentinel 2007, pg 15.
32 Ibid, pg 17.
33 Ibid, pg 18.
37 A Patriot's History of the United States, by Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen, USA, Sentinel 2007, pg 19.
39 A Patriot's History of the United States, by Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen, USA, Sentinel 2007, pg 27.
41 A Patriot's History of the United States, by Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen, USA, Sentinel 2007, pg 29.
42 © Copyright 2007 (this edition) by Chapel Library. Used with Permission.
45 Some content under this section, CY 5790, is distributed under the GNU Free Documentation License from
49 Congressional Research Service, American War and Military Operations Casualties: Lists and Statistics, February 26, 2010 (
52 William Shawcross, The Quality of Mercy: Cambodia, Holocaust, and Modern Conscience (Touchstone, 1985), p115-6

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